Staying away from loud noise (concerts, car stereos, loud machinery, etc) is the best way that you can
avoid contracting the condition tinnitus. There are tiny cells located inside your ear that can be
permanently damaged by constant exposure to loud noises. Damaged cells can cause you to hear a
ringing, and experience other symptoms known as tinnitus.
If you suffer from tinnitus work to relieve any sinus congestion you may have. The pressure from
congestion can increase your tinnitus symptoms. Try sleeping with your head elevated and if you have
allergies treat them the best that you can. Keeping a warm humidifier can also help to open up the
congestion, which will relieve your tinnitus symptoms.
When you are dealing with a condition that is as disruptive to your lifestyle as tinnitus, it is so important
to keep a positive attitude. Although you may not see a solution yet, avoid giving in to feelings that you
will never get better. Look to the future with a hopeful attitude, and always keep searching for a
treatment that will give you some relief.
Health Benefits :
Many ingredients that are found in popular foods and medications have been shown to irritate the
hearing cells. One such ingredient is caffeine, which is a stimulant found in abundance in coffee,
sodas, and even in chocolate. By avoiding excessive intake of these caffeinated products, an
individual can reduce his or her risk of developing tinnitus or other hearing-related symptoms.
Chewing gum is a way to combat tinnitus. Go to the store and stock up on your favorite brand of gum
and leave a pack everywhere you may need it. A few places to remember would be in your home, in
your car, at the office, etc. Always have a piece handy to stick in your mouth when your tinnitus acts
To help relieve the symptoms of tinnitus, you may need to cut back or eliminate stimuli and behaviors,
which can make your tinnitus worse. Meditation, yoga and massage therapy are all great ways to
relieve the stress and tension that sometimes causes tinnitus.
If you tend to get tinnitus easily, always carry some ear plugs with you. Do your best to avoid loud
noises and vibrations. If you know that you will get tinnitus by doing a specific activity, stay away from
One day I realized that I had forgotten I even had tinnitus and it stopped bothering me completely. You