your purse or bag.
•Don't worry about having a "Diabetes Bag" that you carry around with you, just keep syringes
in your purse, jacket pockets, car, and desk at work. Keep your meter and insulin with you in a
small bag or your purse and you'll be ready for injections no matter where you end up.
•Skip the sauces and go for spices to lose weight and keep your Diabetes under control. Spices
add a ton of GlucoControl flavor to any food without adding sugar, carbohydrates, or fat, so
call on them when you're cooking. Even a salad can be made zippier with simple vinegar, oil,
and a handful of rosemary and oregano!
•You can find the most common Diabetic supplies and medications available at some grocery
stores for a significant discount. This can help you keep your medical bills in check, leading
you to be more likely to take your medications as instructed. Feel free to reuse your syringes a
few times, that will also save you money.
•A diet too high in protein can actually be harmful to diabetics. Some people think more protein
is good, but studies Diabetes Freedom have shown that too much animal protein can cause
insulin-resistance, a factor in diabetes. Try to include proper amounts of protein, vegetables
and carbohydrates to keep your diet healthy and well-balanced.
To better control your blood sugars, lose any excess weight. If you're suffering from type 2 diabetes
even a small decrease in weight can significantly improve your condition. Try eating more non-
processed foods and reducing your portion sizes. You can also try getting a moderate amount of
aerobic exercises. All these things will help you manage your diabetes as you lose weight.
Customer Reviews :
If you have diabetes, a great tip in managing your blood sugar is to never skip meals. When you skip
meals, your body uses the glucose from your liver for fuel. For people with type 2 diabetes, the liver
does not sense that the blood has enough glucose, so it keeps pouring out even more glucose.
Therefore, skipping meals is not a good idea if you have diabetes.
Being diagnosed with Type II Diabetes does not mean you are lazy, fat, or nonathletic. There are many
causes of Diabetes which don't necessarily come from being overweight or not exercising enough, but