refreshed and feel better. Do this as needed, and you will keep the area
surrounding your eyes looking healthy and young.
How Fast Will I See Results?
Eat a healthy diet to help take care of your eyes. Certain foods, particularly those
high in vitamins C and E, zinc and omega-3 fatty acids can help protect your
eyes as you age. Aim for green leafy vegetables, "oily" fish, beans, eggs, nuts,
and citrus foods for best results.
Keep your eyes protected from the sun. You should wear quality sunglasses to
protect them from UV rays. If your eyes are frequently exposed to UVB rays, your
risks for macular degeneration and cataracts increase. Try picking a pair of
sunglasses that block between 99 and 100 percent of UVB and UVA rays.
What do I Get With My Order Today?
Are you a smoker? If so, stop. Smoking increases the chance that you will have
problems with your eyes, like cataracts and macular degeneration. It can be hard
to quit, but never stop trying. Even if you've failed in the past, you still have a
good chance of being able to quit in the future.
Avoid looking at your computer screen for too long. Take a break every half hour
to give your eyes a rest from the strain. Staring at your computer can cause dry
eye because you do not blink as often, so make an effort to blink every 30
seconds while you are at your computer.
The Eagle Eye 911 Pros and Cons!
When doing any type of work, avoid injuring your eyes by always wearing
protective glasses. This is especially important if you job entails handling
airborne or hazardous materials. You should also wear protective eye wear when
playing sports since certain sports such as racquetball, lacrosse or hockey can
cause eye injuries.
Eye exams should be a regular occurrence to maintain good eyesight. As you
age your eyes should get looked at more often. You are at higher risk of suffering