During the course of the study, after a mean of 4.5 ⫾3.7
years, valvular heart diseases remained mostly unchanged:
88% in the control group and 92% in the treated group had
no aortic regurgitation at the start of the study, whereas 81%
and 88%, respectively, remained free of aortic regurgitation
at the end of the study. All aortic regurgitation was at most
1⫹, except in 2 patients in whom it was 2⫹. Aortic regur-
gitation remained stable in 1 patient in the treated group,
whereas it increased to 3⫹in 1 patient in the control group.
The incidence of mitral valve prolapse increased from
55% to 61% in the control group and from 52% to 72% in
the treatment group. Mitral regurgitation remained minimal
(ⱕ1⫹in 99% at baseline in the 2 groups and 92% at the end
of the study). One patient presented mitral regurgitation 2⫹,
which remained stable during the course of the study.
Morbidity and mortality: Very few events occurred
during follow-up. Altogether, 4 patients died (3 sudden
deaths, 1 respiratory distress), of whom 3 were in the con-
trol group. Among these children, 3 had atrial or ventricular
arrhythmias. More children underwent aortic surgery in the
control group (5 vs 2 [6.4% vs 2.6%]) at a mean age of 7.5
years. Bentall’s technique (3 vs 1) was more frequent than
valve-sparing surgery (1 vs 1). Mitral valvuloplasty (3 vs 1)
was more frequent than mitral valve prosthesis (1 control
patient). Patients in the

-blocker group who proceeded to
operation received

blockers for a short period of time
before surgery (about 2 years).
This retrospective study strongly suggests that the beneficial
effect of

-blocker therapy, already demonstrated in adults
with MS, is also observed in children. Aortic dilatation was
slowed by about 0.2 mm/year in children on

therapy compared with untreated patients. The beneficial
effect of

-blocker therapy was initially believed to be due
to their negative inotropic properties: by decreasing dP/dt
and therefore the rate of aortic stretch during systole, the
aortic wall is preserved. This theory has not been confirmed
by acute hemodynamic studies, which showed that

-blocker therapy did not significantly reduce dP/dt but did
actually result in increases in stroke volume, pulse pressure,
and therefore, aortic stretch for each systole. These obser-
vations, however, were in patients at rest who had been
operated on for major aortic dilatation 20 years ago,
aortic dilatation may influence hemodynamic parameters.
The beneficial effect of

-blocker therapy during exercise
was not ascertained. Bradycardia is also associated with
decreased aortic stretch during life: the aorta dilates with
age in normal subjects as a result of repetitive stretches, and
bradycardia should be beneficial in this regard. Alterna-

-blocker therapy may directly affect aortic wall
properties; acute and chronic studies have reported in-
creased aortic distensibility and the reduction of aortic stiff-
ness and pulse-wave velocity in patients with MS receiving

-blocker therapy.
9 –11
Last, they may exert their beneficial
effect by decreasing blood pressure.
There was a trend toward less aortic root replacement for
the children who received long-term

-blocker therapy, but the
young age of patients, the low event rate, and the relatively
limited follow-up (⬍5 years) precluded calculating a signifi-
cant improvement in prognosis. This trend, however, is impor-
tant considering the risks of anticoagulation associated with
valve replacement, difficulties with prosthesis sizes in growing
children, and the attraction of valve-sparing operations in chil-
dren, as in adults.
Our study had some limitations. Retrospective analyses
are always subjects to bias, and patients who received

-blocker therapy appeared to be more severely affected at
treatment initiation. However, the demonstration of a lower
rate of increase in aortic diameter despite more severe
disease reinforced the results. Aortic diameters were mea-
sured using 2-dimensional echocardiography on parasternal
long-axis views at end-diastole using the leading-edge tech-
nique. Echocardiographic quality is highly operator depen-
dent, and the reproducibility of aortic measures may be
improved using 3-dimensional echocardiography
or com-
puted tomography or magnetic resonance, which are less
operator dependant and allow good visualization of the
aorta despite thoracic deformation. However, the increased
background noise due to the lower reproducibility of the
measure with 2-dimensional echocardiography could only
decrease the ability to detect an existing effect.
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409Congenital Heart Disease/Beta Blockers in Children With MS