the story are character vs. human, character vs. nature, and character vs. society. These conicts help
to create a sense of tension and suspense in the story and highlight the destrucve power of guilt
and madness.
4) As the story develops, the narrator undergoes a signicant change, as he becomes increasingly
violent and abusive under the inuence of alcohol. This change makes him a dynamic character, as he
undergoes a signicant transformaon throughout the course of the story. The narrator is also a
round character, as he is complex and mul-dimensional, with conicng emoons and movaons.
5) Narrator: The narrator is an acve character, as he consciously makes changes to his surroundings
and takes acons that drive the plot forward. He is responsible for adopng Pluto, mistreang him,
and ulmately killing him. He is also responsible for the murder of his wife and the subsequent cover-
up of her death.
Wife: The narrator’s wife is a passive character, as she undergoes the changes going on around her
and is ulmately a vicm of the narrator’s violence. She is described as a loving and devoted wife,
but she is unable to escape the narrator’s violent behavior and is ulmately killed by him.
Pluto: Pluto is an acve character in the beginning of the story, as he is a beloved pet who brings joy
to the narrator’s life. However, he becomes a passive character aer he is mistreated by the narrator
and ulmately killed. He is no longer able to take acons that drive the plot forward.
Second Cat: The second cat is a passive character, as he is a vicm of the narrator’s violence and has
no agency in the story. He is described as a “remarkably large and beauful animal, enrely black”.
He is inially a vicm of the narrator’s violence, but later becomes a supernatural force that haunts
6) In “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator is an unreliable character who tells the story from
a rst-person perspecve. He is an alcoholic and becomes increasingly abusive and cruel under the
inuence of alcohol. He is also a pet lover and has a black cat named Pluto, which he inially adores
but later becomes the object of his violent behavior. The narrator is unreliable, and his account of
events is distorted by his guilt and madness. He is aware of his mental deterioraon and recognizes
the change that is occurring within him, but he nds himself unable to reverse his descent into
7) “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe is an excellent example of Gothic con. Here are some of the
most common features of Gothic con and examples from the text:
Dark and gloomy sengs: The story takes place in a series of dark and gloomy sengs, including the
narrator’s home, the bar where he nds the second cat, and the cellar where he hides his wife’s