It is best to not workout on an empty stomach. Your body needs fuel, particularly if you
are putting it through a grueling and sweat-inducing workout. Fuel up on good, healthy
foods that will provide you with the energy you need to get through your workout and
your body will thank you.
Everyone has a busy schedule. Many people find it hard to fit in a long workout in their
busy lives. If this is the case, you should try doing whatever you can during the day.
Even if it is only ten minutes you should try and get some sort of exercise.
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For fitness, drive less and walk more. If you live near your child's school and normally
drive, why not walk together each morning? It's a great way to get exercise and spend
time together. Or, you could walk to your nearby market if you run out supplies. Enjoy a
healthy walk while saving on transportation costs!
Test your injured muscles slowly. Stretch them out and work a slight bit to see how they
feel. If you start to feel any pain, stop immediately and ice the area. Do this every day
until your muscles feel like they are ready to take the stress of a workout again.
One of the main reasons people fail to continue exercise programs is boredom. There is
nothing as boring as walking or jogging on the same treadmill, day after day. The key for
many people is variety of exercise. For example, a few weeks of cycling could be followed
by a week of running, followed by a week of playing tennis.
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Walking 30 minutes a day can help increase bone mass. Many studies prove that
individuals who do just 30 minutes of walking, a few times a week, have a higher bone