for this important topic within nursing schools in Jordan. Also, only par-
ticipants' attitude toward infection control precautions had a correla-
tion with their compliance score, and that their knowledge did not
have the same correlation, which needs to be taken in consideration
during the teaching process where nursing students' attitudes are
Author Contributions
Muhammad W. Darawad (primary author). He was responsible
for the design, method, data collection, and data analysis.
Identified the topic and specified goals and objectives of the survey.
Defined the research problem and evaluated study designs.
Formulated hypotheses; concepts, and operational definitions.
Wrote and reviewed the relevant theoretical and research literature.
Selected the population of interest and methods for data collection:
assessed reliability and validity.
Chose sampling procedures; calculated sample size.
Developed and pretested questionnaire, and consent procedures.
Prepared an analysis plan, revise methods, restate the research
problem; write and submit protocol to scientific research committee.
Implemented data collation procedures and monitored progress.
Coded and analyzed data; answered the research questions, tested
hypotheses thoroughly and explained results.
Prepared research report, seek comments and criticism.
Send report to publisher and distribute to interested audiences.
Mahmoud Al-hussami (second author). He participated in coding
and analyzing data, and reviewing the research manuscript.
The authors are grateful for the University of Jordan for funding
this study.
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583M.W. Darawad, M. Al-Hussami / Nurse Education Today 33 (2013) 580–583