Helping Without Hurting in Church Benevolence A Practical Guide to Walking with Low-Income People (Steve Corbett, Brian Fikkert) (Z-Library)

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Just as When Helping Hurts served as a road map to help Willow
Creek Church shape the strategy of our overall Care Center Ministry,
this book will serve as an excellent resource in drilling down a
strategy for one of the most challenging topics for church leaders to
navigate. Brian and Steve understand the challenges of poverty
alleviation yet provide hope through their understanding of God’s
design for all people.
JOSIE GUTH, Director of Local Outreach at Willow Creek
Community Church
Helping the man or woman days from eviction or hours from a
power cuto can be very confusing. Helping without Hurting in
Church Benevolence will sort out the confusion and guide your
church to craft a thoughtful approach to benevolence. Backed by
practical experience and thorough research, Steve Corbett and Brian
Fikkert show us that it is possible to not only meet an immediate
need but also to lead people to lasting change.
JEFF GALLEY, Central Group Leader for LifeGroups and Missions
This book will undoubtedly be a tremendous tool for churches as
they seek to care for the poor with biblical wisdom, sound
principles, and pastoral care. In their usual style, Corbett and
Fikkert help us to look beyond the surface level requests and to
identify and address the deeper issues in the lives of those we seek
to serve.
JEFF WARD, Director of External Focus at Watermark Church
Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett have given the church a practical,
adaptable resource for benevolence ministry! This book oers a
helpful roadmap that can assist any church to “restore the hope and
dignity God intends for His image-bearers.” Best of all, it reminds us
that benevolence ministry can impact the lives of those in need and
those who minister to them, bringing us all to deeper levels of
transformation in Christ.
JOHN H. SATHER, Co-national Director of Cru Inner City
Often the most dicult aspect of poverty alleviation is putting good
theory into practice. Helping without Hurting in Church Benevolence
serves as a GPS for converting our good intentions into solutions
that give dignity, promote responsibility, and foster lasting change.
STEPHAN BAUMAN, President and CEO, World Relief
I am very happy to see this practical counsel and advice to
congregations on how to help the poor. One of the encouragements
to me is to see a needed corrective to the rst book that Brian
Fikkert and Steve Corbett wrote, When Helping Hurts, as some
churches reading that book may have failed to realize the rich
gospel ministry they can experience through needed and immediate
relief to people who are in desperate situations. This work helps
churches learn how to show mercy with wisdom, and how to walk
with people into empowering growth and healing so they can
participate in their own development.
RANDY NABORS, Pastor Emeritus of New City Fellowship in
Chattanooga, TN, and author, Merciful: The Opportunity and
Challenge of Discipling the Poor Out of Poverty
When Helping Hurts has become the authoritative road map for all
mercy and justice eorts coming out of the church that I serve. This
book will no doubt have similar impact as we align our benevolence
eorts around the priorities and heart of Jesus.
SCOTT SAULS, Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in
Nashville, TN, and author, Jesus Outside the Lines: A Way Forward
for Those Who Are Tired of Taking Sides
Brian and Steve have once again put together a tremendous resource
for churches and the body of Christ in this book! As churches, we all
struggle with how to best come alongside people with signicant
needs inside and outside our church. They have given us a very
practical step-by-step process to do this well. This is a must read for
any church that is helping those in need, which means every
PASTOR CHIP SWENEY, Division Director of Next Gen and
Community Transformation at Perimeter Church
Serving in a church plant, we have been challenged with developing
attitudes and practical strategies for church benevolence on a blank
slate. This book does the best job of communicating wise and
charitable engagement. It’s enriching for any ministry leaders to
read together regardless of experience in this area.
JEREMY TAYLOR, Deacon at East Point Church, East Point, GA
Churches are longing for a more fruitful way to address the complex
dilemmas that arise in the context of benevolence ministry, and
especially among the materially poor. Having used both Chalmers’
Faith & Finances and When Helping Hurts approach extensively in our
city, I recognize the ring of truth in the stories here, and the wisdom
of the approach.
DR. RANDY WHITE, Director at FPU Center for Community
Transformation and author, The Work of Our Hands: Faith Rooted
Approaches to Job Creation, Training and Placement in a Context of
Concentrated Poverty
Finally, it is here! A practical guide for churches to come alongside
low-income individuals and families looking for nancial assistance.
Corbett and Fikkert give excellent guidance through training
scenarios and questions, tools, and downloadable forms for churches
to “start small, start fast, and succeed.”
MARCIA TRANI, Director of Compassion Ministries at Rolling
Hills Covenant Church
Caring for and responding to a neighbor requesting nancial
assistance doesn’t have to catch your church at-footed in how to
respond. A at-out “no” or an indiscriminate “yes” shouldn’t be the
only two options. Helping without Hurting in Church Benevolence
provides churches a practical framework. Church leaders will not
feel straightjacketed with a recipe approach, but prompted and
equipped to develop an approach appropriate to their goals and
KIRK VANDER MOLEN, National Director of Missional Integrity
at Love In the Name of Christ (Love INC)
The church is charged with a biblical mandate to help the poor in its
community. And that includes the responsibility for understanding
the underlying causes of poverty. This book oers valuable insights
and a practical process to follow.
KIRK LITHANDER, Outreach Pastor at Fairhaven Church,
Dayton, Ohio
As a pastor and missions director at our church, we have constantly
struggled with having a benevolence process that empowers and
builds up the recipient and the helper. Helping without Hurting in
Church Benevolence gives us the theological framework, structure,
and tools to implement a powerful, empowering process.
ANDREW FEIL, Pastor and Missions Director at The Well
Community Church in Fresno, CA
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