
Telechargé par Thierry Tagnikeu
Oracle® Data Guard
July 2021
Oracle Data Guard Broker, 19c
Copyright © 1999, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
Primary Author: Padmaja Potineni
Contributors: Kathy Rich, Larry Carpenter, Laurence Clarke, Jeff Detjen, Mahesh Girkar, Nitin Karkhanis,
Youngtae Kim, Sadhana Kyathappala, Chang Kyu Lee, Steve Lee, Jiangbin Luo, Bob McGuirk, Joe Meeks,
Darryl Presley, Ashish Ray, Pieter Van Puymbroeck , Lawrence To, Nick Wagner, Zaixian Xie, Di Yang
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Audience xvii
Documentation Accessibility xvii
Related Documents xvii
Conventions xvii
Changes in This Release for Oracle Data Guard Broker
Changes in Oracle Database Release 19c xix
Changes in Oracle Database Release 18c, Version 18.1 xx
1 Oracle Data Guard Broker Concepts
1.1 Overview of Oracle Data Guard and the Broker 1-1
1.1.1 Oracle Data Guard Configurations and Broker Configurations 1-1
1.1.2 Oracle Data Guard Broker 1-2
1.1.3 Oracle Data Guard Broker and CDBs 1-4
1.1.4 Oracle Data Guard Broker and Oracle Global Data Services 1-4
1.2 Benefits of Oracle Data Guard Broker 1-5
1.3 Oracle Data Guard Broker Components 1-8
1.4 Oracle Data Guard Broker User Interfaces 1-9
1.4.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 1-9
1.4.2 Oracle Data Guard Command-Line Interface (DGMGRL) 1-9
1.5 Oracle Data Guard Monitor 1-10
1.5.1 Oracle Data Guard Monitor (DMON) Process 1-10
1.5.2 Configuration Management 1-12
1.5.3 Database Property Management 1-12
2 Oracle Data Guard Installation
2.1 Oracle Data Guard Installation 2-1
2.2 Prerequisites 2-2
3 Managing Broker Configurations
3.1 Configuration Support 3-1
3.2 Configuration Properties 3-3
3.3 Setting Up the Broker Configuration Files 3-4
3.3.1 Renaming the Broker Configuration Files 3-5
3.3.2 Managing Broker Configuration Files in an Oracle RAC Environment 3-6 Using Cluster File System (CFS) for Configuration Files 3-6 Using Oracle ASM Disk Groups for Configuration Files 3-6
3.4 Starting the Data Guard Broker 3-7
3.5 Management Cycle of a Broker Configuration 3-8
3.6 Enable and Disable Operations 3-11
3.7 Configuration Status 3-12
4 Managing the Members of a Broker Configuration
4.1 Managing Broker Configuration Members 4-1
4.2 Managing States of Broker Configuration Members 4-1
4.2.1 Database State Transitions 4-3
4.3 Managing Database Properties 4-5
4.3.1 Monitorable (Read-Only) Properties 4-7
4.3.2 Configurable (Changeable) Properties 4-7 Resetting Broker Configurable Properties to Default Values 4-8
4.4 Managing Redo Transport Services 4-9
4.4.1 Setting Up For Redo Transport 4-9
4.4.2 Managing Redo Transport Services for Data Protection Modes 4-10
4.4.3 Advanced Redo Transport Settings 4-10
4.4.4 Turning Redo Transport Services On and Off 4-13
4.4.5 Specifying Locations for Archived Redo Log Files 4-14
4.4.6 Other Redo Transport Settings 4-16
4.4.7 Redo Transport Services in an Oracle RAC Database Environment 4-16
4.4.8 Transport Lag 4-16
4.5 Managing Redo Transport Services for Recovery Appliance 4-17
4.6 Managing Log Apply Services 4-19
4.6.1 Managing Delayed Apply 4-20
4.6.2 Managing Parallel Apply with Redo Apply 4-20
4.6.3 Managing Multi-Instance Redo Apply 4-21
4.6.4 Apply Services in an Oracle RAC Database Environment 4-21 Selecting the Apply Instance 4-22 Apply Instance Failover 4-23
4.6.5 Apply Lag 4-24
4.7 Managing Data Protection Modes 4-25
4.7.1 Setting the Protection Mode for Your Configuration 4-25 Setting the Protection Mode Task 1: Determine Which Data Protection
Mode You Want to Use 4-25 Setting the Protection Mode Task 2: Set up standby redo log files 4-27 Setting the Protection Mode Task 3: Set the redo transport mode 4-27 Setting the Protection Mode Task 4: Using DGMGRL or Cloud Control 4-28
4.7.2 How the Protection Modes Influence Broker Operations 4-29 Upgrading or Downgrading the Current Protection Mode 4-29 Switchover Operations 4-29 Failover Operations 4-30 Disable and Enable Operations 4-31 Requirements For Removing a Database from the Configuration 4-31 Requirements On Other Operations 4-31
4.8 Managing Far Sync Instances 4-32
4.9 Managing Fast-Start Failover 4-33
4.9.1 Configure Properties to Tune Fast-Start Failover 4-34
4.9.2 Configure Conditions for Fast-start Failover 4-36
4.9.3 Application Initiated Fast-Start Failover 4-36
4.10 Managing Database Conversions 4-37
4.11 Database Status 4-37
4.11.1 Querying Database Status 4-38
4.11.2 Validating a Database Before a Role Change 4-39
4.11.3 Validating the Server Parameter Files Before a Role Change 4-40
4.11.4 Validating the Network Configuration Before a Role Change 4-40
4.11.5 Validating the Static Connect Identifier Before a Role Change 4-40
5 Switchover and Failover Operations
5.1 Overview of Switchover and Failover in a Broker Environment 5-1
5.2 Choosing a Target Standby Database 5-2
5.2.1 Choosing a Target Standby Database for Switchover 5-3
5.2.2 Choosing a Target Standby Database for Failover 5-3
5.3 Switchover 5-4
5.3.1 Before You Perform a Switchover Operation 5-5
5.3.2 Starting a Switchover 5-6
5.3.3 How the Broker Performs a Switchover 5-7
5.4 Manual Failover 5-7
5.4.1 Complete and Immediate Manual Failovers 5-8
5.4.2 Performing a Manual Failover Operation 5-9 Performing a Manual Failover Task 1: Determine Which of the Available
Standby Databases is the Best Target for the Failover 5-9 Performing a Manual Failover Task 2: Start the Failover 5-9
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