Hildebrand Karl - Gering Hugo - Poetic Edda Old Norse-English diglot

Telechargé par Brenda Buschle
Poetic Edda
Old Norse-English diglot
Poetic Edda
Old Norse–English diglot
      
   
   
    
 
General Introduction 1
I Lays of the Gods 10
Voluspo (The Wise-Womanʼs Prophecy) 11
Hovamol (The Ballad of the High One) 46
Vafthruthnismol (The Ballad of Vafthruthnir) 102
Grimnismol (The Ballad of Grimnir) 124
Skirnismol (The Ballad of Skirnir) 151
Harbarthsljoth (The Poem of Harbarth) 169
Hymiskvitha (The Lay of Hymir) 190
Lokasenna (Lokiʼs Wrangling) 209
Thrymskvitha (The Lay of Thrym) 238
Alvissmol (The Ballad of Alvis) 253
Baldrs Draumar (Baldrʼs Dreams) 268
Rigsthula (The Song of Rig) 276
Hyndluljoth (The Poem of Hyndla) 299
Svipdagsmol (The Ballad of Svipdag) 323
II Lays of the Heroes 347
Völundarkvitha (The Lay of Völund) 348
Helgakvitha Hjorvarthssonar (The Lay of Helgi the Son of Hjorvarth) 373
Helgakvitha Hundingsbana I (The First Lay of Helgi Hundingsbane) 400
Helgakvitha Hundingsbana II (The Second Lay of Helgi
Hundingsbane) 428
Fra Dautha Sinfjotla (Of Sinfjotliʼs Death) 460
Gripisspo (Gripirʼs Prophecy) 465
Reginsmol (The Ballad of Regin) 491
Fafnismol (The Ballad of Fafnir) 508
Sigrdrifumol (The Ballad of The Victory-Bringer) 529
Brot af Sigurtharkvithu (Fragment of a Sigurth Lay) 548
Guthrunarkvitha I (The First Lay of Guthrun) 559
Sigurtharkvitha en Skamma (The Short Lay of Sigurth) 573
Helreith Brynhildar (Brynhildʼs Hell-Ride) 607
Drap Niflunga (The Slaying of The Niflungs) 615
Guthrunarkvitha II, en forna (The Second, or Old, Lay of Guthrun) 618
Guthrunarkvitha III (The Third Lay of Guthrun) 640
Oddrunargratr (The Lament of Oddrun) 646
Atlakvitha en Grönlenzka (The Greenland Lay of Atli) 662
Atlamol en Grönlenzku (The Greenland Ballad of Atli) 686
Guthrunarhvot (Guthrunʼs Inciting) 733
Hamthesmol (The Ballad of Hamther) 745
Pronouncing index of proper names 760
General Introduction
              
               
              
              
            
            Corpus
Poeticum Boreale,           
              
              
            
              
           
             
          
              
          
            
               
         
          
             
               
  
         Poetic Edda     
              
 Poetic Edda            
              
             
         Voluspo,   
             
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