Shimadzu CLASS-VP™
Validation and Productivity for Chromatography — Made Easy!
CLASS-VP™ — A New Program With New Tools, To Make Chromatographic Data
Processing More Powerful Than Ever.
For years, you have relied on Shimadzu to provide the hardware and software to run your
chromatography experiments quickly, easily and reliably. Now with the unification of
Shimadzu’s CLASS (Chromatography Laboratory Automation Systems Software) and
EZChrom, you can take advantage of Shimadzu’s proven leadership and experience,
along with new tools to enhance productivity and validate your processes and results.
CLASS-VP™ is a multi-tasking chromatography data acquisition and instrument control
system operating under Microsoft ® Windows™. Like EZChrom, it may be used to take
control of to four chromatographic systems at the same time, either GC or LC or both,
adding the capability to evaluate results or criteria before or after the acquisition of
sample data in a batch.
Powerful New Features.
CLASS-VP™ offers new calibration types and integration events, including Shimadzu’s
Chromatopac integration algorithm.
The software provides numerous new GLP features, such as storage of results with data
and method, file overwrite protection and intelligent batch table with decision-making
Batch Capabilities which enhance productivity by automating sampling, QC and
calibration routines have been greatly expanded for the release of CLASS-VP™.
The new Sample Descriptor File allows you to identify samples with up to 64,000
Productivity and validation are enhanced by the System Suitability capabilities of
CLASS-VP™, which allow you to make sure the system is running properly before
samples are run.
Failure action, using Batch Table under System Suitability, proves the system is correctly
calibrated, both for immediate use and future validation.
New QC Check Standards run under peak and batch table, allowing continuous checking
of calibration.
Calibration Functionality allows identification and calibration for each compound
independently within a single run.
Enhanced System Controls are also part of new CLASS-VP™, including the first
automated LC Fraction collector, an Advanced Pretreatment Routine to customize HPLC
injections on Shimadzu’s autosamplers, and tabbed GC controls.
CLASS-VP™ has been designed to work with the hardware you already own. Expanded
third-party System Support includes HP 5890 GC, HP 7673A autosampler and PE Nelson
throughout a PC network without additional protocols..
Your LC, GC And PC Have Been Waiting For
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ gives you unprecedented control over all your chromatography
If your lab uses either HPLC or GC or both, Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ will supercharge
everything from methods development to batch reprocessing.
With just a few clicks of a mouse, powerful Windows™-based Shimadzu CLASS-VP™
will automate the entire process of configuring, developing, running, reprocessing and
validating your experiment.
To get started, simply enter runtime and sampling rate. It’s that easy. And your data
acquisition can run in the background, freeing up Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ to begin
another experiment — or to work on your PC in other Windows™-based software. With
Shimadzu SuperCompare™, you can view up to 32 overlaid chromatograms or PDA
With data acquisition complete, modify parameters directly within the chromatogram,
either graphically (using the easy-to-use toolbar) or from the keyboard for utmost
flexibility. Change a concentration; change a parameter; even change a sequence — and
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ lets you choose to make the change in real time or off-line.
File management in CLASS-VP™ is easy and intuitive. Name your file as you need it,
and add comments to help you identify file contents on the fly. You can even see a small
graphic of your chromatogram in your file menu. Store your Methods and Results with
the raw data. With Shimadzu CLASS-VP™, you don’t need to be a programmer to get
the most out of the software. GLP is as easy as saving a document.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ sets you free — to concentrate on science.
Use CLASS-VP™ To Control Either LC Or GC —
Or Both, Simultaneously.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ is a software package designed for scientists by scientists who
demanded a fully functional, do-everything program. As a result, Shimadzu CLASS-
VP™ was developed jointly on GC and LC platforms, working equally well on both.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ allows definition or modification of detectors, pumps, valves or
autosamplers — with the click of a mouse, if you like.
In fact, Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ offers complete data acquisition and processing for any
chromatography system, from any manufacturer, with analog output. In other words, just
about everything. And it will process four signals from each of four different instruments
at the same time.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ truly shines when connected to Shimadzu chromatography
systems. With Shimadzu’s state-of-the-art LC-10A HPLC system, Shimadzu CLASS-
VP™ offers expanded control of preparative pumps and intelligent fraction collectors,
ideally suited to purification and isolation. CLASS-VP™ has been designed to also be
compatible with earlier generations of Shimadzu HPLC systems, including the SCL-6B
and LPI-6B.
CLASS-VP™ enhances Shimadzu’s leadership position in automation solutions. New
capabilities include the ability to integrate intelligent fraction collection and robotic
sample pretreatment. The high-powered graphical interface of CLASS-VP™ allows
users to identify sample and sample status by color, including identification of current
sample, standards, reagent addition targets or sample spiking targets.
Through its interface to the LC System Controller, the FRC-10A Intelligent Fraction
Collector is controlled to provide intelligent peak picking and even collection on the basis
of peak purity, adding an entire new dimension to fraction collection. For example, these
new capabilities allow users to combine purity confirmation using a photodiode array
with targeted fraction collection, and get visual confirmation of exactly which portion of
a peak was collected, and in what vessel.
CLASS-VP™ allows researchers to fully exploit the analytical, micro and biocompatible
sampling capabilities of Shimadzu SIL-10A, SIL-10Axl and the SIL-10Ai robotic
autosamplers. A simple script language allows user-customizable sample pretreatment
that allows:
• Sample spiking
• Sample dilution
• Reagent addition and derivatization
The family of Shimadzu HPLC autosamplers provide robotic functionality for the most
demanding applications. This allows the user to be as creative as possible in performing
pre-column derivatizations or sample treatment without overwhelming a routine or
occasional user with unwanted details.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ is also a stellar performer in conjunction with Shimadzu GCs.
The CLASS-VP GC control package provides automated graphical control over both the
GC and its autosampler, including complete random sample access. The software
automatically calculates acceptable values in method development, and automatically
rejects invalid parameters. Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ is totally compatible with Shimadzu
GC-17, GC-14 and GC-15A Gas Chromatographs. GCs can be configured automatically
by the software and include critical compliance information such as instrument ROM
version, injectors and detectors present. GC control completely supports all GC-17
Advanced Flow Control (AFC) functionality including determination of constant linear
velocity pressure programs, (which minimize sample run times without sacrificing
chromatographic integrity) to provide the ultimate in productivity tools. All GC events
are also supported and spelled out, including those for carrier gas conservation, such as
split ratio reduction, detector signal zeroing and external valve control. Intuitive
operations are ensured for Shimadzu GC Automatic Injection Systems including the
AOC -14, AOC-17 and AOC-1400 which utilize our intelligent batch functionality to
control the autosampler in a decision-making process. Failure criteria such as meeting a
concentration or a % Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) minimum for a standard sample,
can be utilized in a fashion that will provide the re-injection of the sample by the AOC.
Overall, this means that complete automated control of the GC processes are available
from one location in an intuitive user interface.
GC control is not limited to Shimadzu GCs. Control modules for the HP 5890 and HP
7673 autosampler are also available. Operations are virtually identical to those in
Shimadzu GC control, minimizing the learning curve. Manual flow control and EPC
controlled versions of the HP 5890 are supported, including setting of pressure and flow
programs. Failure actions can be used in conjunction with the HP 7673 autosampler also,
maximizing its productivity.
The PDA Control Features of CLASS-VP™
Allow The Most Complete Spectrum of Detection
CLASS-VP™ is the ideal tool to take control of any HPLC detector, especially Shimadzu
SPD-M10A and SPD-M10AV Photodiode Array (PDA) detectors. CLASS-VP™ turns
reams of data into easy-to-understand results, quickly and intuitively. And Shimadzu has
now added new tools to enhance PDA control.
An enhanced purity algorithm for PDA now allows a more complete analysis of
component homogeneity by analyzing all spectra beneath the chromatographic peak. In
addition, the new analog output option for PDA affords the convenience of data output to
previously validated data stations. These features are designed to provide comprehensive
purity determination and the convenience of connectivity to existing validated systems.
With the CLASS-VP™ PDA module, the Windows™ interface zips you to an easy-to-
understand interface built on icons, which guide you effortlessly through method
development, instrument control and report formatting. It also puts key functions,
including Snapshot, Freeze Frame and on-the-fly spectra display right at your fingertips.
With CLASS-VP™ and Shimadzu PDA, you are ready for peak purity determination,
library searches for spectra and derivatives, multi-channel analysis and extensive GLP
With CLASS-VP™, you can view spectral plots in real time. The exclusive On-Demand
integration feature allows you to view a contour plot even before analysis is complete and
you can begin using the results.
You can begin immediately building a library of spectra, which can be used in library
searches (either graphically or numerically).
CLASS-VP™ allows you to view your data in a variety of ways. Choose from a Gallery
of different views for a ratio plot, a fully rotatable 3D plot, multi-chromatograms — or
combinations of views. And all of these views are fully compatible with custom
reporting, so that what you see is truly what you get.
PDA software is available as an option.
How Good Laboratory Practice Became Practical.
No other software package provides a more robust set of Integration, Quantitation
Analysis and Mathematical Functions for chromatography. And no other
chromatography software goes to such lengths to assure that your experiments are
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