the raw data. With Shimadzu CLASS-VP™, you don’t need to be a programmer to get
the most out of the software. GLP is as easy as saving a document.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ sets you free — to concentrate on science.
Use CLASS-VP™ To Control Either LC Or GC —
Or Both, Simultaneously.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ is a software package designed for scientists by scientists who
demanded a fully functional, do-everything program. As a result, Shimadzu CLASS-
VP™ was developed jointly on GC and LC platforms, working equally well on both.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ allows definition or modification of detectors, pumps, valves or
autosamplers — with the click of a mouse, if you like.
In fact, Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ offers complete data acquisition and processing for any
chromatography system, from any manufacturer, with analog output. In other words, just
about everything. And it will process four signals from each of four different instruments
at the same time.
Shimadzu CLASS-VP™ truly shines when connected to Shimadzu chromatography
systems. With Shimadzu’s state-of-the-art LC-10A HPLC system, Shimadzu CLASS-
VP™ offers expanded control of preparative pumps and intelligent fraction collectors,
ideally suited to purification and isolation. CLASS-VP™ has been designed to also be
compatible with earlier generations of Shimadzu HPLC systems, including the SCL-6B
and LPI-6B.
CLASS-VP™ enhances Shimadzu’s leadership position in automation solutions. New
capabilities include the ability to integrate intelligent fraction collection and robotic
sample pretreatment. The high-powered graphical interface of CLASS-VP™ allows
users to identify sample and sample status by color, including identification of current
sample, standards, reagent addition targets or sample spiking targets.
Through its interface to the LC System Controller, the FRC-10A Intelligent Fraction
Collector is controlled to provide intelligent peak picking and even collection on the basis
of peak purity, adding an entire new dimension to fraction collection. For example, these
new capabilities allow users to combine purity confirmation using a photodiode array
with targeted fraction collection, and get visual confirmation of exactly which portion of
a peak was collected, and in what vessel.
CLASS-VP™ allows researchers to fully exploit the analytical, micro and biocompatible
sampling capabilities of Shimadzu SIL-10A, SIL-10Axl and the SIL-10Ai robotic