turn on the first word of the cipher text until we discover the correct shi. This
process can be simplified by using a cipher wheel, a simple mechanical device that
allows us to generate each of the Caesar shi ciphers, and to encode or decode
messages using it. At the back of this leaflet you will find a sheet which can be
photocopied onto thin card in order to make a cipher wheel. Cut out the two discs,
and fasten through their centres with a paper fastener to make the wheel. Use the
convention that you read cipher-text on the rim of the inner, smaller, wheel and
plaintext from the outer, larger wheel, reading inwards to encode and outwards to
Just because we can use brute force to solve the cipher doesn’t mean we have to. If
that was all there was to codebreaking it would be entirely the province of
computer scientists and engineers who are very smart at speeding up that sort of
computation. At the cutting edge of cryptography it is the interaction of those
disciplines with mathematics which enables governments (and criminal hackers)
to read poorly encrypted communications, and we can begin to see where
mathematics comes into the picture even when considering a simple cipher like
the Caesar shi.
Notice that in order to know which shi cipher has been used it is enough to work
out where one of the letters has been shied. That tells us the amount of shi and
therefore the entire cipher. This can be done, for example, by discovering which
character has replaced the plaintext letter e. The letter e has been chosen here for
a reason, it is the single most common letter to be found in English text (curiously,
largely because the word the is one of the most common words - we will come
back to that point in a minute). It is an interesting exercise to choose some text and
analyse the letter frequencies to confirm that for yourself, and you can find a useful
online text analyser at
to speed that up.
Running the cipher text above through the analyser we see that the letter H
appears more than twice as frequently than any other letter, more than 20% of the
time. We can compare the frequencies with those for the lead story from the BBC
news site this morning which has been run through the same checker. The