A. Estate Tax
B. Donor’s Tax
1. For condoned debts, net receivable na agad ang included sa gross gift
2. For successive donations, the 250k deduction is only once
1. VAT Monthly computation is not cumulative (unlike MCIT)
(MIM) Excess monthly input vat is carried over to next month, but not on the quarterly return
(MPQ) Excess monthly vat paid is NOT carried to next month, but only on the quarterly return (reverse)
(QIQM) Excess quarterly input vat is carried over to next month(s) and succeeding quarters
(QPNO) Excess quarterly vat paid is closed upon payment
2. There are 2 approaches for presumptive input vat when there is a purchase from a non-vat registered
Person. (1) is added with the vat-registered, and (2) ignored)
(ER3) Requisite for General Percentage Tax
XXX. Taxation on Corporations
1. NOLCO is deductible from gross income if (1) net income na, (2) RCIT is higher, BUT it expires
within 3 years
2. MCIT is applicable to Domestic/Resident Foreign, but not NRC(since GIT FWT sila)
XXX. Proprietary Educational Institutions
1. Compare first RELATED gross Income (receipts-cos) vs. UNRELATED gross income (RCITable)
2. 50% threshold (dapat lamang ang related income)
Considered as related: Tuition and miscellaneous fees
Income from hospitals used as residency for medical graduates
Canteen/Bookstore within school campus