the number of new hair follicles, according to a study. These papilla cells, which are found
near the tip of the hair follicle, support healthy hair growth in bald patches on the scalp.
Biotin is a B vitamin found mostly in milk, yogurt, eggs, and fruits. A deficiency of biotin in the
body can cause facial blemishes and hair loss. Biotin is involved in the metabolic pathway
that converts body fat to energy during metabolism. It also stimulates the development of
keratin, a protein that protects the cuticle of the hair and nails. According to supplementary
research, it aids in the prevention of blood pressure and blood sugar fluctuations.
Zinc: The body cannot produce zinc on its own. The body's biochemical processes must be
active in order to stimulate DNA synthesis, transform food into energy, build new cells,
enhance the immune system, and produce proteins, particularly Keratin, for quick wound
healing. FoliFort contains zinc, which aids in hair development and keratin formation. A study
found that zinc is used in about 300 enzyme-related functions in the body.
Water-soluble vitamin B5, commonly known as pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is essential for
the formation of red blood cells as well as the conversion of food into energy. FoliFort uses
vitamin B5 to keep hair follicles healthy and active over time, resulting in longer, stronger
hair. A lack of vitamin B5 can cause a range of health issues, including migraines, hair
thinning, numbness, and nausea.
Horsetail extract was used by the Roman and Greek empires to strengthen bone and cure
wounds. Horsetail contains silicon, which helps the body fight disorders like hair loss and
other difficulties by reducing pain and inflammation. The silicon keeps (black) hair's brilliant
color for a lifetime.
Nettle Root: The only edible portion of the nettle plant is its leaf. This plant, which is also
known as a creeping rhizome, spreads quickly. Despite its extensive use to treat anemia,
arthritis, and muscular pain, you may be unaware of the therapeutic qualities of nettle root.
Saw Palmetto: The fruit of the saw palmetto plant, which grows to be ten feet tall, is
particularly beneficial in treating prostate enlargement. In addition to hair loss, migraines,
and persistent pelvic discomfort, this tree extract is beneficial in treating various medical
ailments. FoliFort contains saw palmetto fruit, which inhibits the body's enzymes from
converting testosterone to DHT.
White Peony: The white peony plant is used in a variety of traditional Chinese treatments to
promote blood circulation and mental health problems. FoliFort contains white peony, which
help to protect the scalp from dermatitis and irritation, which can lead to dandruff and dry,
projecting hair.
Benefits of FoliFort
● It promotes healthy hair growth and aids in the treatment of damaged hair.