Computer Viruses
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I r ecommen d th is web s ite bec aus e it
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polym orph ic- virus .h tm
I recommend this websit e be cau se i t
has a l ot of important informa t ion about
viruse s .
By: Maram Muktar
Works Cited
Pakhare, Jayashree. "Different Types of Computer
Viruses." Buzzle. Web. 20 May
"What Is a Polymorphic Virus?" WiseGEEK. Web.
20 May 2014.
"Norton AntiVirus 2014." - Virus Protection. Web.
20 May 2014.
Boot Sector Viruses
Some examples of Boot Sector Viruses are
Polyboot.B and AntiEXE. These viruses affect
the boot sector of a hard disk. Boot sec-
tor viruses are very uncommon now but
they were very common in the 1990s when
floppy disks were used way more. You can
get these viruses when you use a floppy
disk that is not write-protected and from
starting up your computer from an un-
known floppy disk in the disk drive. Boot-
ing problems and start up problems, prob-
lems with retrieving data, computer per-
formance instabil-
ity and the inabil-
ity to locate hard
drives are all is-
sues that may
arise due to an
Macro Vi-
Some examples of
Macro Viruses are Relax, Melissa.A, Bablas.
These viruses infect files that are created
using certain applications or programs that
have macros, like doc, xls, pps, etc. Macro
viruses are the most common viruses due
to the fact that theyre easy to make.
These types of viruses damage files and
get them to not work anymore. Once this
file affects one file it can spread to a lot
Computer Viruses
Overwrite Viruses
Some examples of overwrite viruses are
Way and Trj.Reboot. These viruses delete
the information in the files that they infect.
Overwrite viruses are common but don't
not spread easily because they are very no-
ticeable. You can get these viruses when the
virus replaces the file code with its own.
Overwrite viruses make the files they infect
completely useless and they delete all the
information in them.
Polymorphic Viruses
Some examples of polymorphic viruses are
Elkern and Marburg. These viruses encrypt
or encode themselves in a different was
every time they infect a system. This makes
it almost impossible for antivirus software
to find them using string or signature
searches. The virus then copies a bunch of
times then spreads all over the computer.
These viruses arent as common as the oth-
ers but its not totally uncommon. The dam-
age that Polymorphic viruses can do is that
they can slowly bring your computer to a
stop by going undetected and infecting cer-
tain parts of your computer.
Three Different Types of
Anti-Virus Software
eScan Antivirus
Escan antivirus is not the best but its still
equipped to protect your computer from a
number of things including viruses, rootkits,
spyware and other malware. The features in
this antivirus include self-protection from
malware specifically designed to compromise
or otherwise interfere with it, they have
their own inbound and outbound traffic
monitoring and defense from network at-
tacks. This can protect your computer be-
cause it has its own firewall.
Norton Antivirus
This antivirus is popular in the sense that
many people use it. Some of its features
include Pulse Updates, Bot Detection, Root-
kit Worm Detection, etc. this software pro-
gram can protect your computer because
Norton Antivirus provides holistic protec-
tion for PC users, delivering peace of mind
for anyone that goes online, chats or shares
files. The software package is designed to
offer owners with the latest, most up-to-
date protection against worms, spyware,
viruses and other threats.
Blink Personal
The features that this antivirus has are a
System Protection Module, Personal Firewall
Module, Vulnerability Assessment Module,
etc. This program can protect your com-
puter because it protects users' systems and
sensitive data from viruses, spyware, identity
theft, malicious web sites, and other attacks
that target system flaws and vulnerable sys-
tem settings.
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