Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), vol. 71 (2023), nr. 1
increasingly active in international emission trade,
technology, and capital movements.
The comprehensive report published in October
2018 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC), the world's leading organization in
the assessment of the effects of climate change,
made it clear that the climate crisis should be
addressed urgently. The IPCC warns that if we do
not want climate change to have even more
devastating consequences on people and the world,
we should not rise above or at least 1.5 °C above
preindustrial levels.
The report reveals the enormous differences
between the 1.5 °C and 2 °C scenarios. We should
try to limit the global average temperature increase
to 1.5 °C (Paris United Nations (UN) Climate Change
Conference (21st Conference of Parties - COP21)).
The IPCC states that the only way to keep
warming below 2 degrees is that the world is
completely carbon-free by the end of this century,
without consuming any coal, oil, gas. This increases
the importance of solar energy, which is a more
stable, sustainable, and environmentally friendly
energy source.
Since the rays coming from the sun do not emit
any harmful gas, they create a healthy and safe
energy potential. In this direction, sun rays are
absorbed today with special systems; can be stored
and used directly.
2. The importance of preventive maintenance and
There is a major downside to renewable energy
sources, which are gaining more attention as a
result of environmental concerns, demands for
security in energy supply, and the need for greater
independence in fuel imports.
The cost of energy produced from renewable
sources is still higher than the cost of energy from
conventional plants. Although the importance of
solar energy systems in combating climate change is
known, it has not yet become widespread in the
world at the desired level.
The economic life of Solar Power Plants is
considered to be over 25 years. The efficiency of a
facility that will produce energy for 25 years will
change over time. Solar panels can be damaged over
time, due to weather conditions, temperature
changes, pollutants, and UV rays.
The main factors affecting the efficiency of Solar
Energy Systems are the materials used, labour and
maintenance / repair services. In order for Solar
Power Plants to reach the promised operating
performances, to be long-lasting and to avoid vital
and financial losses, maintenance and repairs should
be done professionally.
The maintenance and repair of solar panels
should be carried out by experts in their fields, using
professional measuring devices calibrated in
accordance with international standards.
The equipment to be used during the controls
must comply with the standards, and the personnel
must have the necessary qualifications. Developing
innovative approaches in the training of personnel
who will work in the maintenance and repair of solar
energy systems will contribute to the protection of
the environment and the fight against climate
Solar energy systems are long-lasting but highly
costly investments.
Malfunctions that may occur not only reduce the
service life of the systems, but also cause revenue
losses during the recovery process. Therefore, it is
extremely important to prevent the occurrence of
the malfunction as well as to eliminate the
malfunction in a short time. However, such an early
warning system has not yet been developed.
The energy demand in the world continues to
increase every year. Therefore, energy efficiency
and the ability to use renewable energy sources are
one of the ways to meet the increasing energy
Carrying out the maintenance and repairs of solar
energy systems without malfunctions will both
reduce maintenance costs and eliminate the energy
loss caused by the failure of the systems, thus
contributing to energy supply. Thanks to preventive
maintenance and repair services, the maintenance
and repair costs of the facilities will also be
Recently, there is an increased interest regarding
how to evaluate the quality and performance of
photovoltaic modules and their service lifetime.
Thus, the reference definition of the defective PV
panel was considered from Subtask 3.2: Review of
Failures of Photovoltaic Modules [12]. A PV panel is
considered defective if its power has irreversibly
degraded under normal operating conditions or
creates a safety problem. A purely cosmetic problem
that has no effect on the power or safety in
operation is not considered a defect of the PV
A defect of the photovoltaic module is relevant
to warranty terms only when it occurs under normal
operating conditions. A problem that is caused by
the misuse of the module or generated by the local
environment in which the module operates, is not
considered to be a defect.
Dirt on the module or faults caused by lightning
strikes are not considered defects. The dirt problem
has to be treated by the operator, and lightning
strike is considered a natural phenomenon which can
occur if the solar park is not suitably protected and
for which the module is not designed to withstand.
However, defects due to heavy snow load are
considered defects of the module, if stated in the
technical specification that the product can operate
under these conditions.
On their entire service life, photovoltaic modules
are subjected to mechanical stresses, solar
radiation, humidity, heat, snow, hail, salt fog, acid
rains, dust, wind, abrasive particles, etc.
All these external causes, when acting on PV
modules made with incompatible materials, produce
defects and/or accelerated degradation of their
output power. It is absolutely normal that these
causes affect all photovoltaic modules, but the
degradation of power, for those manufactured with