freshwater alga. Among its numerous therapeutic properties is
fucoxanthin, which is derived from it. There are many weight loss
supplements that contain fucoxanthin. Using it can dramatically
reduce weight by converting fat cells into energy and heat. Research
shows that golden algae can lower the body's internal temperature
and promote brain, bone, and liver health.
•Drumstick tree leaf (moringa leaf): The drumstick tree leaf, also
known as the moringa leaf, comes from the moringa oleifera tree.
Drumstick tree leaves have been used traditionally in Ayurvedic
medicines for their powerful antioxidant properties that support
blood sugar levels and increase body temperature. Many studies
proved moringa has so much goodness in it.
•Dika Nut (African mango seed): A dika nut is a type of seat found in
African mangoes. In many traditional medicines, African mango has
been used to reduce weight, and it is now found in many weight loss
pills. The dika nut can maintain a normal body temperature, reduce
bloating, improve digestion, and support healthy cholesterol levels.
•Ginger Rhizome (Ginger Root): This ingredient is also known as
ginger root or ginger and is used for restoring inner body
temperature, improving muscle health, and supporting tooth and gum
health. Weight loss can be achieved by using ginger because of its
many medicinal benefits.
•Turmeric Rhizome (turmeric root): Turmeric's medicinal properties
are attributed to curcumin, a substance found in turmeric. The