attracted to the concept of earning and surviving on their own. ey want to be independent. Such
places are meeting spots for the budding young couples who speak to each other and discover more
about each other. is intimacy between the opposite sexes gradually results in love and finally
culminating in Love marriages. Here what matters the most is the decision of both the boy and the
girl. e secondary option for choice and selection is given to the parents later on. ey end up getting
married and feel that their lives are going to be blissful.
Future Predictions:
Astrology determines a person’s strengths, weaknesses, the personality traits, the inclinations and
desires. Light helps us see through darkness. Astrology helps us to see into the future. What best than
to know the future through the means of understanding, analyzing and studying the birth chart of a
person? In fact a birth chart is nothing but a perfect blue print of the future of a person. When a
person is born, the position of the planets at that particular time is considered very important. e
birth chart depicts the planets relationship and the inluence on the person which will decide the
destiny of the person for his lifetime.
Education and Job: