Curcumitol-Q Reviews - Advanced Curcumin Supplement for Pain Relief?

Telechargé par levi.rheanna
Pain is a common experience felt by everyone at some point in life. Pain results from
inflammation that causes damage to the body’s internal systems. Constant pain can
affect one’s quality of life. Therefore, most people look for various ways to combat
such health problems.
Studies reveal that turmeric can help relieve chronic pains and counter joint
inflammatory problems. In addition to that, it delivers other health benefits. Another
Study showed that turmeric helps fight arthritis in adults and improves digestion.
Most athletes use turmeric to reduce muscle soreness and speed up the recovery
process after exercise.
Most people use turmeric as a food spice without knowing its benefits. The spice
contains one main compound known as curcumin. Curcumin is responsible for the
benefits associated with turmeric. Most supplements also add curcumin as one of the
main ingredients. However, most supplements do not have adequate amounts of
curcumin to offer full benefits, thus making them less effective for countering pain
and inflammation.
What is Curcumitol-Q?
Curcumitol-Q is a natural supplement designed by a renowned athlete, Frank
Cavaleri, to help reduce pain and inflammation . It contains a highly bio-available
form of curcumin, which makes it more effective than other curcumin supplements.
Frank Cavaleri claims to have used large amounts of curcumin to fight inflammation
and pain. However, he discovered he could not access the compound and had to look
for another solution. Curcumitol-Q contains a rare form of the compound referred to
as curcumin III. Curcumin III is a more powerful pain-relieving compound; most
supplements only contain small amounts.
How does Curcumitol-Q Work?
One feels pain when inflammation occurs in the body cells. Inflammation causes the
joints to ache and crack when walking, running, or exercising. Curcumin comes in
three different forms: curcumin I, II, and III. Curcumin I and II inhibit inflammatory
proteins such as the NF-KB, C-reactive protein, and other enzymes such as COX and
Most supplements in the market contain large amounts of curcumin I and II but have
small amounts of curcumin III. Unlike the other curcumin forms, curcumin III targets
a different inflammatory protein known as MSK1.
Curcumitol-Q contains high amounts of curcumin II, which makes it effective in
fighting pain and inflammation . It suppresses the effects of the MSK1 protein and
other proteins that cause inflammation, and each capsule contains adequate amounts
of curcumin I, II, and III.
Benefits from the supplement are visible within the first month. It helps the body get
rid of all toxins that cause inflammation. Once the body is free from all toxins, it
repairs the digestive system and improves immunity. It promotes healthy blood
pressure and maintains healthy blood glucose.
What Makes Curcumitol-Q Special
Most curcumin supplement contains piperine. Adding piperine to supplements helps
in the absorption of the compound. However, studies reveal that high amounts of
piperine can adversely affect the liver. It slows down liver functions, thus interfering
with the normal digestion process. Some supplement manufacturers also add
liposomes, which can adversely affect the body.
Curcumitol-Q supplement contains pure curcumin, making it more bio-available
and protecting liver health.
Ingredients Contained in Curcumitol-Q?
The supplement contains pure forms of curcumin extracts and the right ingredients to
ensure you get the best results. The ingredients contained in the supplement include:
Curcumalonga Root
Curcumalonga root is the primary source of turmeric. It is rich in curcumin, lipophilic,
and polyphenolic compounds that give it the yellow pigment. Apart from its use as a
food spice, the ingredient has several health benefits. One can consume it orally
through foods or supplements.
Some scientifically proven benefits of curcumalonga root include:
It improves skin condition
It helps fight inflammation
Curcumin I
Curcumin I is the most popular form of curcumin. Most supplements contain high
amounts of curcumin I. It is rich in anti-inflammatory properties and helps fight
oxidative stress. Curcumin I helps fight arthritis symptoms since it inhibits the NFKB
Curcumin II
Curcumin II, the second curcumin version known to fight cancer cells, also contains a
few antioxidant properties that help flush out toxins from the blood. It also inhibits the
NFKB proteins, thus reducing inflammation.
Curcumin III
Curcumin III is a special compound that provides both antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory properties. It helps repair oxidative damage and promotes a healthy
healing process. It promotes better skin and facilitates good digestion.
Unlike other curcumin forms, curcumin III inhibits MSK1 protein making it effective
in reducing muscle aches and eliminating joint pains.
Quercetin is a powerful ingredient extracted from japonica pagoda. Quercetin plays a
major role in improving curcumin effects. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory
agent, helps regulate blood pressure, and prevents neurological problems.
Other ingredients include:
Silicon dioxide
Rice hull powder
What are the Benefits of Taking Curcumitol-Q?
It protects the heart allowing it to function effectively
It reduces cholesterol amounts in the body
It boosts memory, focus, and concentration
It supports a healthy central nervous system, thus improving communication
between the brain and nerves to help relieve pain
It helps reduce age-related memory loss
It enhances bone health and cartilage health
It promotes healthy metabolism
It inhibits MSK1 and NFKB proteins that are responsible for inflammation and
It promotes a good gut health
It prevents the growth of cancer cells
It helps fight inflammation naturally without any adverse effects
How to Use Curcumitol-Q
Each bottle of the supplement contains 60 capsules. The recommended dosage is two
capsules daily with a glass of water. Users should not exceed the recommended
amount to avoid any adverse effects. One does not need a medical prescription.
However, people with underlying medical conditions should seek medical clearance
before using the supplement.
Pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and persons below 18 should not use the
Curcumitol-Q Availability and Pricing
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