gathered from the best sources from around the world.
These herbs and substances focus directly on the issue and treat the underlying
cause of erectile dysfunction. These are listed below.
Milk Thistle: This ingredient includes the active ingredient silymarin, which preserves
the penis tissue, prostate cells and penile chambers. Additionally, it minimizes the
chance of cancer cell proliferation.
Cayenne: This ingredient is reported to have characteristics that stimulate nitric oxide
synthesis in males. When nitric oxide levels are elevated, blood flow to the penis is
facilitated and oxidative stress damage is mitigated. Additionally, it is used to treat
male erectile dysfunction.
Korean Ginseng: This ingredient is an energy powerhouse that helps men become
fruitful. It enhances sexual endurance to perform better in bed. It can aid in the
treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Banaba: This ingredient has been utilized throughout the ages to combat male
infertility. It safeguards the prostate's health and prevents erectile dysfunction.
Corosolic Acid: This ingredient has the ability to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It
ensures that men can perform well in bed without feeling anxious. It increases blood
flow to the penile chambers, allowing them to obtain a quick and powerful erection.
Zinc: This ingredient has the ability to boost sexual function naturally. Zinc
supplementation has been shown to be particularly useful in the treatment of erectile
dysfunction. As a result, Aizen Power was created with the proper zinc proportion so
that the body no longer experiences sexual issues.
Resveratrol: This ingredient has anti-inflammatory properties. It improves male sexual
health by increasing testosterone levels in the blood. It promotes a powerful penile
erection while also increasing testicular sperm counts. The component may also aid in
epididymal sperm motility.