Orzales, Vince Carlo - PT 2

Telechargé par vincecarlo
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Laguna
Laguna State Polytechnic University
Santa Cruz Main Campus
College of Engineering
Orzales, Vince Carlo D. September 13, 2022
BSEE 4A Engr. Ferdinand Abanto
PT 2
What would be the possible things that might happen to a residential or any building that did not
follow the electrical Codes and other codes and standards applicable in the Philippines? Site an
example and even search for actual records of such an event. Discuss it in your own word or
-Codes and Standard in the field of electrical aspects is a technical instruction for the
safety of everyone that is involved with electricity, from the employee, and consumer, to the
individual who is around it.
Residential and Commercial building is susceptible to fire when codes and standards are
neglected. Some cases show that due to cost cutting, such area has experience fires due to low-
quality materials used in electrical wirings.
An example of an incident due to electrical codes and standard malpractice is a fire in
Mabalacat, Pampanga. It is not intentional but the news said that the problem might be the quality
of materials in electrical wiring. Due to earthquakes, these materials must scratch or stretch
enough to cause the insulation to become thinner and get result in a fire incident. Luckily, the
house has no reported injured persons.
Another example of possible things that might happen is the overloading of electric
appliances that may cause fire when heated up. Overloading can cause heat that may burn
insulations of the wiring and can cause a fire. The codes and standard show the different type of
wires that needs to be used in different type of application, as this ensures the capacity of certain
voltage in every different application.
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Orzales, Vince Carlo - PT 2

Telechargé par vincecarlo
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