Interview 1 ( montaser ) & emad
Field problem ( cross sector – cross feeder ) physically and theoretically – overshooting
Blocked call – droped call and their causes and their event . –missing neighbor – ho failure
Why we use Power control in 2g
h.o scenario and who responsible for make h.o .
call flow scenario ( physical channel – layer3 message )
cell selection & Reselection ( c1 & c2 criteria )
Field problem ( coss sector & feeder ) how we can detect coss feeder (RTWP – uplink
interference from sib7 )
Blocked call – droped call – pilot pollution – interference (downlink & uplink )
Ue states and it’s connection between ue and node b and core network
Call flow
Power control why we use it
How we can detect interferer cell (using mapinfo)
Type of H.O (hard – soft – softer )and Difference between soft and softer and why we use softer
and why it’s better than soft h.o
When hard h.o happened (from I rat and from f1 to f2 )