While the flotation funnel is being filled, mix sampler contents with
a small propeller mixer. Adjust mixing speed to provide uniform
distribution of floating particles throughout the liquid but avoid
extensive air entrapment through formation of a large vortex.
c. Correction for density and for concentration effects: When
a receiving water has a density and ion concentration different
from that of the waste, adjust sample density and ion concentra-
tion to that of the receiving water. For example, if the receiving
water is ocean water, place 1.5 L sample in flotation funnel and
add 1.5 L filtered seawater from the receiving area together with
mixture of 39.8 g NaCl, 8.0 g MgCl
O, and 2.3 g
O. The final mixture contains the amount of
floatables in a 1.5-L sample in a medium of approximately the
same density and ion concentration as seawater.
d. Flotation: Mix flotation funnel contents at 40 rpm for 15
min using a paddle mixer (Figure 2530:3). Let settle for 5 min,
mix at 100 rpm for 1 min, and let settle for 30 min. Discharge 2.8
L through bottom stopcock at a rate of 500 mL/min. Do not
disturb the sample surface in the flotation funnel during dis-
charge. With distilled water from a wash bottle, wash down any
floatable material sticking to sides of stirring paddle and funnel.
Let remaining 200 mL settle for 15 min and discharge settled
solids and liquid down to the 40-mL mark on the Imhoff cone.
Let settle again for 10 min and discharge until only 10 mL liquid
and the floating particles remain in funnel. Add 500 mL distilled
water and stir by hand to separate entrapped settleable particles
from the floatable particles. Let settle for 15 min, then discharge
to the 40-mL mark. Let settle for 10 min, then discharge drop-
wise to the 10-mL mark. Filter remaining 10 mL and floating
particles through a preweighed glass fiber filter. Wash sides of
flotation funnel with distilled water to transfer all floatable
material to filter.
e. Weighing: Dry and weigh glass fiber filter at 103 to 105° C
for exactly 2 h (see Section 2540D.3c).
mg particulate floatables/L ⫽(A⫺B)
A⫽weight of filter ⫹floatables, mg,
B⫽weight of filter, mg, and
C⫽sample volume, L. (Do not include volume used for density
or concentration correction, if used.)
Precision and Bias
Precision varies with the concentration of suspended matter in
the sample. There is no completely satisfactory procedure for
determining the bias of the method for wastewater samples but
approximate recovery can be determined by running a second
test for floatables on all water discharged throughout the proce-
dure, with the exception of the last 10 mL. Precision and bias are
summarized in Table 2530:I. Experience with the method at one
municipal treatment plant indicates that the practical lower limit
of detection is approximately 1 mg/L.
6. Bibliography
. 1956. Chemical composition of the
particulate fractions of domestic sewage. Sewage Ind. Wastes 31:
ENGINEERING-SCIENCE,INC. 1965. Determination and Removal of Float-
able Material from Waste Water. Rep. for U.S. Public Health Serv.
contracts WPD 12-01 (R1)-63 and WPD 12-02-64, Engineering-
Science, Inc., Arcadia & Oakland, Calif.
. 1965. Composition of domestic sewage
fractions. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 37:1142.
. 1965. Determination of floatable matter in
waste discharges. J. Water Pollut. Control Fed. 37:577.
. 1967. Determination of floatables and
hexane extractables in sewage. In Advances in Water Pollution
Research, Vol. 3, p. 217, Water Pollution Control Federation,
Washington, D.C.
, R.E., L. W. B
. 1974. The Significance
and Control of Wastewater Floatables in Coastal Waters. Rep. for
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency contract R-800373, SERL
Rep. No. 74-1, Sanitary Engineering Research Lab., Univ. Califor-
nia, Berkeley.
, L.W. 1976. Contribution of Wastewater Discharges to Sur-
face Films and Other Floatables on the Ocean Surface. Thesis,
Univ. California, Berkeley.
, L.W., R.E. S
. 1980. Contribution of
wastewater discharges to ocean surface particulates. J. Water Pol-
lut. Control Fed. 52:2230.
2530 C. Trichlorotrifluoroethane-Soluble Floatable Oil and Grease
The floatable oil and grease test does not measure a precise
class of substances; rather, the results are determined by the
conditions of the test. The fraction measured includes oil and
grease, both floating and adhering to the sides of the test
vessel. The adhering and the floating portions are of similar
practical significance because it is assumed that most of the
adhering portion would otherwise float under receiving water
conditions. The results have been found to represent well the
amount of oil removed in separators having overflow rates
equivalent to test conditions.
The QC practices considered to be an integral part of each
method are summarized in Table 2020:I.
a. Floatable oil tube (Figure 2530:4): Before use, carefully
clean tube by brushing with a mild scouring powder. Water must
FLOATABLES (2530)/Trichlorotrifluoroethane-Soluble Floatable Oil and Grease
FLOATABLES (2530)/Trichlorotrifluoroethane-Soluble Floatable Oil and Grease