e. Scoring: Examine stained slides with epifluorescence mi-
croscope, optimally between 200 and 400⫻magnification. (Op-
timal magnification depends on the size of cells being assessed.)
Ethidium bromide bound to double-stranded DNA has fluores-
cence excitation and emission maxima of 518 and 605 nm,
respectively. Use excitation and barrier filters specific for this
fluorescent dye. Slides viewed in this way reveal stained comets
as bright fluorescent orange balls 10 to 40
m in diameter.
Conduct scoring with either an ocular micrometer (8071B.2h)or
an image analysis system (8071B.2i). With an image analysis
system, it is possible to measure fluorescence intensity and DNA
distribution throughout the comet.
In this way, the percentage
of DNA in the comet tail, the tail length, tail moment (which is
the product of the fraction of DNA in the tail and tail length), and
numerous other measures can be determined.
Regardless of scoring method, always determine the number
of comets per slide. Generally, score 50 to 100 cells per sam-
Fewer cells would eliminate the ability to identify sub-
populations of cells with altered migration among a larger pop-
ulation of cells whose migration patterns match those in the
control sample. Because of inherent variability within and across
electrophoresis runs, preferably score two slides per sample,
with 50% of the data obtained from each replicate slide. Score
comets in different sectors of each slide. Avoid scoring comets
near edge of slide and do not score slides with high background
levels of staining. Once the field of view is randomly moved to
a sector, use a systematic method of scoring (e.g., scoring comets
from left to right starting in the upper left-hand corner) until a
predetermined number of comets has been counted. Do not count
overlapping and superimposed comets. Ensure that slide scoring
is “blind” (i.e., that the sample identity of the slide is not known
during scoring).
After scoring, remove cover slips of scored slides, dry slides,
and store as permanent records that can be restained and viewed
at a later date.
Data Analysis
a. Interpretation of data: Depending on scoring method, dif-
ferent types of data may be gathered, (e.g., ocular measurement
of comet image or tail lengths, the fraction of cells with different
migration patterns, image-analysis-based comet tail lengths, per-
centage of migrated DNA, tail moment). The distribution of
migration patterns can be expressed graphically in histograms by
plotting frequency of comets (Yaxis) and corresponding DNA
damage measurement gathered for those comets (Xaxis). In
addition, dose–response plots can be constructed showing DNA
damage (mean and standard deviation of data, Yaxis) and test
compound concentration (Xaxis).
b. Acceptability of data: Compare DNA damage levels in
controls and (if study design allows) damage resulting from
reference toxicants to previously gathered data to determine
acceptability. If studying cells from organisms or cell lines on
which it is possible to perform laboratory exposure tests, design
experiments to incorporate positive controls and construct con-
trol charts to evaluate test performance (see Section 1020B.13).
Prepare control chart for each combination of reference toxicant
and test organism, and include the most current data in each
control chart. Endpoints from five tests are adequate for estab-
lishing a chart. Use control charts to evaluate the cumulative
trend of results from a series of samples. Recalculate mean and
upper and lower control limits (⫾2 standard deviations) with
each successive result.
If the value from a given test with the reference toxicant falls
more than 2 standard deviations outside the expected range, the
organisms’ sensitivity and the test system’s overall credibility
may be suspect. In this case, examine test procedure for defects
and repeat with a different batch of test organisms.
c. Statistics: Establish statistical methods to be used and data
requirements for those methods during initial experiment design.
The unit of exposure for in-vitro studies is the culture, while for
in-vivo studies it is the animal. Thus, multiple cultures or mul-
tiple animals are needed per dose group to provide data for an
appropriate statistical analysis. Examine the homogeneity of
variance between treatments to determine whether parametric or
nonparametric analysis is appropriate. Transformation of nonho-
mogeneous data also can be explored. If homogeneity is not
achieved using transformed data, use nonparametric procedures.
Linear regression analysis can be used to establish dose–
response relationships, while pairwise comparisons of each treat-
ment group against the concurrent control can be conducted. Use
two-tailed statistical test if both an increase and decrease in DNA
are being tested; a one-tailed test if only one is being tested.
d. Evaluation and interpretation of results: If a positive comet
assay response is obtained, assess the possibility that the increase
in migration is not associated with genotoxicity. Information on
the extent of cytotoxicity associated with each positive dose
group, the nature of the dose–response curve, the intercellular
distribution of comet response at each dose, and the presence or
absence of necrotic or apoptotic cells in the treated cell popula-
tion may be useful. Common determinations of cytotoxicity rely
on simple dye exclusion on vital staining assays. If a negative
comet assay response is obtained, assess the validity of the assay
and the dose-selection procedure. Although most experiments
will give clearly positive or negative results, in rare cases the
data set will preclude making a definite judgment about the
activity of the test substance. Reproducibility in independent
experiments is considered the strongest evidence for a positive or
negative call. However, results may remain equivocal or ques-
tionable regardless of the number of times the experiment is
6. References
1. LEE. R.F. & S.A. STEINERT. 2003. Use of the single-cell electropho-
resis/comet assay for detecting DNA damage in aquatic (marine and
freshwater) animals. Mutation Res. 544:43.
S.L. ANDERSON. 2004. Genotoxicity in native fish associated with
agriculture runoff events. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 23:2868.
3. NEHIS,S.&H.SEGNER. 2005. Comet assay with the fish cell line
rainbow trout gonad-2 for in vitro genotoxicity testing for xenobot-
ics and surface waters. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 24:2078.
O’BRIEN. 2004. Detecting genotoxicity using the Comet assay fol-
lowing chronic exposure of Manila clam, Tapes semidecussatus to
polluted estuarine sediments. Marine Pollut. Bull. 44:1359.
toxicity of field-collected intertidal sediments from Cork Harbor,
ASSAY FOR DETECTION OF DNA DAMAGE (8071)/Comet/Single-Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay
ASSAY FOR DETECTION OF DNA DAMAGE (8071)/Comet/Single-Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay