method. Reduce residual free chlorine according to the following
method. Additional reagents are required for ozonated samples
as described below. If free chlorine is present in the samples, add
ammonium chloride or sulfate (0.1 mL of a 20% solution/40 mL
sample) before sample collection. Monochloramine may form
but will not change the aldehyde concentration of samples sub-
sequently stored at 4°C. If residual ozone is present, the levels of
aldehydes may change as the ozone-natural organic matter reac-
tion continues. To prevent this, quench residual ozone by adding
L of a 6.40-g KI/L solution to each 40-mL vial before
shipment to the field.
In chlorinated waters, addition of KI will eliminate an inter-
ferant that coelutes with the surrogate. The reduction of oxidiz-
ing compounds with KI may cause iodine to be extracted into the
hexane extract, resulting in a pink-colored extract. Iodine in the
extract also may interfere, chromatographically, with the internal
standard. The formation of iodine can be suppressed by the
addition of 50
L of 8.52-g mercuric chloride/L solution to each
40-mL vial before shipment to the field. In most situations an
ozone residual is unstable and the use of KI and the toxic HgCl
is unnecessary.
Before sample collection, add 20 mg (for 40 mL sample) of
copper sulfate pentahydrate to each bottle to prevent micro-
bial decay of the method analytes. If mercuric chloride is
added to suppress iodine formation, copper sulfate pentahy-
drate need not be added, because mercuric chloride is an
effective biocide at the concentration given above. Without a
biocide, aldehydes are extremely susceptible to microbial
decay. Preservation of the sample is important for obtaining
valid data. Ideally, derivatize aldehyde samples immediately
after collection. If sample is preserved with a biocide and
stored at 4°C, extract within 7 d.
Prepare field reagent blanks from organic-free reagent water
a. Sample containers and extraction vials: 40-mL screw-top,
glass sample vials with aldehyde-free caps. (NOTE: Do not use
thermoset, phenol-formaldehyde, or urea-formaldehyde caps.)
Prepare these, together with the 14-mL amber vials for storing
stock solutions, as follows: Wash with detergent, rinse with tap
water, soak in 10% HNO
for at least 30 min, rinse with tap
water, rinse with laboratory organic-free water (6252B.4ebe-
low), and oven dry at 180°C for at least 1 h.
Clean caps and septa by rinsing with methanol, then with
hexane, and dry at 80°C for no more than1hinaclean,
forced-air convection oven.
b. Microsyringes or micropipets with glass tips, to measure
the following volumes: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, and 1000
c. Volumetric flasks, 5, 10, and 25 mL, borosilicate glass.
Prepare initially by the method of ¶ aabove, except that after
rinsing with organic-free water, rinse with methanol and invert to
drain. Air-dry only. Do not dry in oven.
d. Syringe: 20-mL glass hypodermic, metal luer lock tip with
8.9-cm- (3.5-in.-) long ⫻17 gauge stainless steel pipetting
needle (alternatively, use a 20-mL volumetric pipet). Clean as
e. Automatic pipet dispensers: To simplify batch process-
ing, add reagent by use of these dispensers. Preferably use
adjustable 1-mL and 4-mL sizes with PTFE transfer lines that
can be mounted on the suppliers’ reagent bottles. If these are
not available use 1-mL and 4-mL volumetric pipets.
f. Constant-temperature water bath or incubator, capable of
holding multiple 40-mL sample vials and maintaining 35°C ⫾
g. Pasteur pipets: Have a selection of short-tipped (14.6-cm or
5.75-in.) and long-tipped (23-cm or 9-in.) pipets.
h. Mechanical shaker,† to automate hexane extraction (see
Section 6251B.3e). Alternatively, use a vortex mixer or manual
shaking for 1 min.
i. Storage vials: 7-mL glass, screw-cap vials with PTFE-lined
silicone septa cleaned as described above.
j. Gas chromatograph, with capillary columns, temperature
programmable, and supplied with a temperature-controlled in-
jector and electron-capture detector.
1) Gas handling equipment: Use carrier (helium) and
make-up (nitrogen or 95% argon/5% methane) gases of high
purity (99.999%) that pass through indicating calcium sulfate,
molecular sieve 5A, activated charcoal, and an oxygen-purifying
cartridge. Use two-stage metal diaphragm high-purity regulators
at the compressed gas sources. Use flow controllers to regulate
carrier gas flow. Ensure that all gas lines use 0.3-cm (0.125-in.)
copper (or stainless steel) tubing; rinse with high-purity acetone,
and bake before use.
2) Injector, split/splitless (using straight open-bore insert).
3) Analytical column,‡ 30 m long ⫻0.25-mm ID, fused silica
capillary column with a 0.25-
m film thickness.
4) Confirmation column,§ 30 m long ⫻0.25-mm ID, fused
silica capillary column with a 0.25-
m film thickness.
5) Detectors, a constant current pulse modulated
with standard size cell (use two ECDs for simultaneous confir-
mation analysis).
a. Extraction solvent, UV-grade, glass-distilled hexane.㛳
b. Solvent for standard preparation, reagent-grade acetoni-
trile, free of the target aldehydes.#
c. Preservation agents, ammonium chloride, NH
Cl, or sul-
fate, (NH
, copper sulfate pentahydrate, CuSO
and mercuric chloride, anhydrous, HgCl
d. Sulfuric acid,H
, conc and 0.2N.
e. Organic-free reagent water: Treat water prepared in com-
mercially available water systems to remove all traces of alde-
hydes. Two methods have been demonstrated: Either expose
reagent water produced by a laboratory purification system** to
UV irradiation for 1 h or distill reagent water from acidified
potassium permanganate (500 mL water with 64 mg potassium
permanganate and 1 mL conc H
Alternative purification techniques, such as addition of another
granular activated carbon filtration step, may be used if they can
† Eberbach Corp., or equivalent.
‡ Durabond-5, J&W Scientific, or equivalent.
§ Durabond-1701, J&W Scientific, or equivalent.
㛳Burdick & Jackson, Muskegon, MI, or equivalent.
# Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, or equivalent.
** Milli-Q, Millipore Corp., Bedford, MA, or equivalent.