6200 Rev edit 2011

Telechargé par Angelica Alvarez
6200 A. Introduction
Source and Significance
Many organic compounds have been detected in ground and
surface waters. While most groundwater contamination epi-
sodes are traceable to leaking underground fuel or solvent
storage vessels, landfills, agriculture practices, and wastewa-
ter disposal, the most probable cause for contamination of
some aquifers and surface waters has never been firmly es-
tablished. Contamination may be due to past practices of
on-site (leach field) disposal of domestic and industrial wastes
or to illegal discharges. Organohalides, particularly the triha-
lomethanes, are present in most chlorinated water systems,
especially those using surface waters as a source of supply.
Toxicological studies on animal models have shown that
some of these organics have the potential for teratogenesis or
carcinogenesis in human beings. To minimize these health
risks, sensitive detection and accurate and reproducible quan-
titation of organics is of paramount importance.
Selection of Method
Two capillary gas chromatographic methods for purgeable
organic compounds are presented. The scope of analytes is
detector-dependent. Method B is a gas chromatographic/mass
spectrometric (GC/MS) technique. Method C combines GC with
photoionization detection (PID)/electrolytic conductivity detec-
tion (ELCD) in series. Methods B and C are applicable to a wide
range of purgeable organics. Both methods can be applied to
finished drinking water, drinking water in any stage of treatment,
source water, or wastewater.
The methods presented are highly sophisticated micro-analyt-
ical procedures that should be used only by analysts experienced
in chromatography and data evaluation and interpretation. While
the methods are similar, they are not interchangeable from a
regulatory point of view.
Table 6200:I lists the compounds that can be determined by
these methods. All are determinable by both Methods B and C.
Other compounds may be amenable to these methods.
Sampling and Storage
See Section 6010B.1
Quality Control
The quality control practices considered to be an integral part
of each method are summarized in Table 6020:I.
a. Initial quality control:
1) Initial demonstration of capability—Conduct initial dem-
onstration of capability study at least once, before analysis of any
sample, by each analyst, to demonstrate proficiency with the
method of choice. Include at least analysis of a reagent blank and
four reagent blank samples fortified at a concentration between
10 times the minimum reporting level and the midpoint of the
calibration curve. The blank should not contain any compound of
interest at a concentration greater than minimum reporting level.
Mean percent recovery for each compound calculated from the
four fortified samples should be 80 to 120%, and the relative
standard deviation (RSD) should be 20%.
2) Method detection level (MDL)—The MDL is a statistical
determination of the minimum concentration that can be mea-
sured by the method with a confidence level of 99% that the
analyte concentration is greater than zero. Determine MDL be-
fore any samples are analyzed, using the procedure described in
Section 1030c or other appropriate procedure
as required for
each matrix to be analyzed. For MDL calculation, start with a
concentration about five times the estimated instrument detection
level. Perform MDL determination as an iterative process. (The
values listed in Table 6200:III were generated using a concen-
tration of 0.5
g/L.) Conduct MDL determination at least annu-
ally. Analyze samples for MDL determination over a 3- to 5-d
period to generate a more realistic value.
3) Quality-control sample—Analyze an externally generated
quality-control sample as a laboratory fortified blank at least
quarterly or whenever new stock solutions are generated. Obtain
this sample from sources external to the immediate laboratory,
and use it to validate the laboratory’s standards both qualitatively
and quantitatively. Acceptance criteria are supplied by the man-
ufacturer. If all criteria are not met, determine cause of error, and
correct it before continuing.
4) Minimum quantitation level (MQL)—The MQL is the
lowest level that can be quantified accurately. The MQL is
defined as four times the MDL.
b. Calibration:
1) Initial calibration—Perform initial calibration with a min-
imum of five concentrations of analytical calibration standards
(CALs) for the compound(s) of interest. The lowest concentra-
tion should be at the working reporting level; the highest con-
centration should be at the upper end of the calibration range. Do
not report values that are outside of the defined calibration range.
For the calibration concentrations, there should be no more than
one order of magnitude between concentrations.
Use any of the following calibration functions, as appropriate:
response factor for internal standard calibration, calibration fac-
tor for external standard calibration, or calibration curve. Cali-
bration curves may be linear through the origin, linear not
through the origin, or quadratic through or not through the
origin. Use the following recommended acceptance criteria for
the various calibration functions.
* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 1997. Editorial revisions, 2011.
Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—Melissa S. Dale (chair), Anthony Bucciferro,
Melly L. Fabro, T.J. Richards, William A. Saner, Robert Slater.
If using response factors or calibration factors, relative stan-
dard deviation (RSD) for each compound of interest should be
less than 20%. If the RSD is not less than 20% for any compound
of interest, then identify and correct source of lack of linearity
before sample quantitation. When using response factors (i.e.,
for GC/MS analysis), check performance or sensitivity of the
instrument for the compound of interest against minimum ac-
ceptance values for the response factors. See specific analytical
method for the acceptance criteria for the response factors for
each compound.
For a linear regression, the correlation coefficient should be
0.994. Recalculate each calibration point compared to curve.
Resulting values should be within 20%. If any of the recalcu-
lated values are not within 20%, identify and correct source of
outlier(s) before sample quantitation.
Use initial calibration, with any of the above functions (re-
sponse factor, calibration factor, or calibration curve) for quan-
titation of the analytes of interest in samples. Use continuing
calibration, described in ¶ 2) below, only for checks on initial
calibration and not for sample quantitation. Perform initial cal-
ibration when instrument is set up and whenever continuing
calibration criteria are not met.
2) Continuing calibration—Continuing calibration (CCAL)
is the periodic analysis of a calibration standard used to verify
that the instrument response has not changed significantly
from the initial calibration. Perform continuing calibration
every 10 samples for GC analysis, every 20 samples for
GC/MS analysis, or every 12 h, whichever is more frequent.
Perform continuing calibration with one or more of the con-
centrations of analytical standards in the initial calibration.
Vary actual concentration of continuing calibration standard
over calibration range, with a minimum concentration greater
than two times the reporting limit. The acceptance criterion
for continuing calibration is 70 to 130% recovery compared to
the known or expected value of the calibration standard (at the
analyst’s discretion, the acceptance criterion for the gases
may be extended to 60 to 140% recovery). If the acceptance
criteria are not met, re-analyze continuing calibration stan-
dard or repeat initial calibration. When using response fac-
tors, check performance or sensitivity of instrument for ana-
lytes of interest against minimum acceptance values for re-
sponse factors.
3) Closing standard—Finish all sample sets with a closing stan-
dard to demonstrate that performance was still acceptable for the
last sample analyzed. Use acceptance criteria as for the CCAL.
c. Batch quality control:
1) Analytical day—An analytical day is defined as a 12-h
analytical period.
2) Sample set (batch)—A sample set (batch) is defined as
those samples extracted in an analytical day, not to exceed 20
3) Laboratory reagent blank (LRB)—A LRB is a blank sam-
ple consisting of all reagents that normally contact a sample
when carried through the entire analytical procedure. Use re-
agent blank to determine contribution of reagents and prepara-
tive analytical steps to observed value. No compound of interest
should be present in reagent blank at a level greater than the
MQL. Include a minimum of one reagent blank with each sample
set (batch).
4) Laboratory-fortified blank (LFB)—See ¶ b2) above. NOTE:
For this method, the LFB and CCAL are the same.
5) Internal standard (IS)—An internal standard is a compound
of known concentration added to each standard and sample just
before sample analysis. Because of the nature of purge and trap
analysis, the IS is taken through the entire analytical process, just
as is the surrogate standard [see ¶ 6) below]. However, the IS is
used for quantitation, whereas the surrogate standard is used to
monitor ongoing purge recovery. Use IS to monitor retention
time, relative response, and concentration of analytes in each
sample. When quantifying by the internal standard method,
measure all compound responses relative to this standard. Inter-
nal standard area response should be in the range of 30%
compared to the mean calibration curve area response. The IS
compound should mimic the chromatographic conditions of the
analytes of interest. The retention time of this compound should
separate from all analytes of interest and elute in a representative
area of the chromatogram. If a specific compound cannot be
found to meet these criteria, use additional compounds to satisfy
analytical needs.
6) Surrogate standard (SS)—A surrogate standard is a com-
pound added to each standard and sample at a known concen-
tration before extraction. Choose a compound(s) that is chemi-
cally similar to the analytes and that is unlikely to be found in
environmental samples. Carry surrogate standard through entire
sample extraction and analytical process to monitor extraction
recovery for each sample. Surrogate recovery should remain
reasonably constant over time. Recovery should not vary more
than 30% from the known value. Refer to method of choice for
specific surrogates.
7) Laboratory-fortified sample (LFS)—A LFS is an additional
portion of a sample to which the analytes of interest have been
added at a concentration at least two times the MRL or around
the middle of the calibration range. Include a minimum of one
LFS with each sample set (batch). Make LFSs at sufficient
concentrations that sample background levels do not adversely
affect recovery calculations. (If this is a known sample, adjust
addition concentrations to be about five times background level).
Base sample batch acceptance on results of CCALs and LFBs
rather than on LFSs, because the matrix of the sample may
interfere with method performance. Prepare fortifying solution
for blanks and samples from a different primary mix than that
used to develop working standard mix.
8) LFS duplicates—A LFS duplicate is a second LFS used to
evaluate the precision of the method in a matrix sample. If
sufficient sample volume is collected, fortify a large enough
volume to yield two sample portions for analysis. If sufficient
sample volume is not collected, use a second bottle of the same
sample fortified to the same concentration as the first. Include a
minimum of one LFS duplicate with each sample set (batch).
Compare precision and bias to those listed in the method. Base
sample batch acceptance on results of CCAL and LFB additions
rather than LFS duplicates.
6. References
Drinking Water Regulations—synthetic organic chemicals; monitor-
ing for unregulated contaminants; final rule. 40 CFR 141 & 142;
Federal Register 52, No. 130.
2. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 1986. Guidelines estab-
lishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants under the Clean
Water Act. 40 CFR Part 136; Federal Register 51, No. 125.
3. U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. 1995. Definition and pro-
cedure for the determination of the method detection limit, revision
1.11. 40 CFR Part 136, Appendix B.
6200 B. Purge and Trap Capillary-Column Gas Chromatographic/Mass Spectrometric
This method
is applicable to the determination of a wide range
of purgeable organic compounds (see Table 6200:I). The method
can be extended to include other volatile organic compounds, pro-
vided that all performance criteria are met. It should be used only by
analysts experienced in the operation of GC/MS systems and in
evaluation and interpretation of mass spectra.
General Discussion
a. Principle: Volatile organic compounds are transferred effi-
ciently from the aqueous to the gaseous phase by bubbling an inert
gas (e.g., helium) through a water sample contained in a specially
designed purging chamber at ambient temperature. The vapor is
swept through a sorbent trap that adsorbs the analytes of interest.
After purging is complete, the trap is heated and back-flushed with
the same inert gas to desorb the compounds onto a gas chromato-
graphic column. The gas chromatograph is temperature-pro-
grammed to separate the compounds. The detector is a mass spec-
trometer. See Section 6010C for discussion of gas chromatographic
and mass spectrometric principles.
Chemical Abstract Services
Registry Number Analyte
Chemical Abstract Services
Registry Number
Benzene 71-43-2 2,2-Dichloropropane 590-20-7
Bromobenzene* 108-86-1 1,1-Dichloropropene* 563-58-6
Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene* 10061-01-5
Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene* 10061-02-6
Bromoform 75-25-2 Ethylbenzene* 100-41-4
Bromomethane 74-83-9 Hexachlorobutadiene* 87-68-3
n-Butylbenzene* 104-51-8 Isopropylbenzene* 98-82-8
sec-Butylbenzene* 135-98-8 p-Isopropyltoluene* 99-87-6
tert-Butylbenzene* 98-06-6 Methyl t-butyl ether* 1634-04-4
Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 Methylene chloride 75-09-2
Chlorobenzene* 108-90-7 Naphthalene* 91-20-3
Chloroethane 75-00-3 n-Propylbenzene* 103-65-1
Chloroform 67-66-3 Styrene* 100-42-5
Chloromethane 74-87-3 1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane 630-20-6
2-Chlorotoluene* 95-49-8 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5
4-Chlorotoluene* 106-43-4 Tetrachloroethene* 127-18-4
Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 Toluene* 108-88-3
1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene* 87-61-6
1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene* 120-82-1
Dibromomethane 74-95-3 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6
1,2-Dichlorobenzene* 95-50-1 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5
1,3-Dichlorobenzene* 541-73-1 Trichloroethene* 79-01-6
1,4-Dichlorobenzene* 106-46-7 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4
Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 1,2,3-Trichloropropane 96-18-4
1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene* 95-63-6
1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene* 108-67-8
1,1-Dichloroethene* 75-35-4 Vinyl chloride* 75-01-4
cis-1,2-Dichloroethene* 156-59-4 o-Xylene* 95-47-6
trans-1,2-Dichloroethene* 156-60-5 m-Xylene* 108-38-3
1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 p-Xylene* 106-42-3
1,3-Dichloropropane 142-28-9
* Compound can be determined using Method 6200C with PID only.
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (6200)/Purge & Trap Capillary-Column GC/MS Method
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (6200)/Purge & Trap Capillary-Column GC/MS Method
b. Interferences: Impurities in the purge gas and organic
compounds outgassing from the plumbing upstream of the
trap account for most contamination problems. Demonstrate
that the system is free from contamination under operational
conditions by analyzing laboratory reagent blanks daily.
(NOTE: Use blanks for monitoring only; corrections for blank
values are unacceptable.) Avoid using non-TFE plastic tub-
ing, non-TFE thread sealants, or flow controllers with rubber
components in the purge and trap system. Ensure that the
analytical area is not subject to contamination from laboratory
solvents, particularly methylene chloride and methyl tert-
butyl ether (MtBE).
Samples can be contaminated by diffusion of volatile or-
ganics (particularly fluorocarbons and methylene chloride)
through the septum seal during shipment and storage. Use a
field reagent blank prepared from reagent water and carried
through the sampling, handling, and shipping procedures as a
check on such contamination.
Contamination by carryover can occur whenever high-level
and low-level concentration samples are analyzed sequen-
tially. To reduce carryover, rinse purging device and sample
syringe with reagent water between samples. Follow analysis
of an unusually high concentration sample with a LRB to
check for carryover contamination. For samples containing
large amounts of water-soluble materials, suspended solids,
high boiling compounds, or high levels of volatile com-
pounds, wash purging device with a detergent solution, rinse
it with distilled water, and dry it in an oven at 105°C between
analyses. The trap and other parts of the system also are
subject to contamination; therefore, frequently bake and
purge entire system.
c. Detection levels: Method detection levels (MDLs) are
compound-dependent and vary with purging efficiency and
instrument response. In a single laboratory using reagent
water and known-addition concentrations of 0.5
g/L, ob-
served MDLs were in the range of 0.025 to 0.450
g/L. The
applicable calibration range of this method is compound- and
instrument-dependent, but is approximately 0.2 to 200
Compounds that are inefficiently purged from water will not
be detected when present at low concentrations, but they can
be measured with acceptable bias and precision when present
at sufficient concentration. Determination of some geometri-
cal isomers (e.g., xylenes) may be hampered by co-elution.
d. Safety: The toxicity or carcinogenicity of each analyte
has not been precisely defined. Benzene, carbon tetrachloride,
bis(1-chloroisopropyl)ether, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, 1,2-dichlo-
roethane, hexachlorobutadiene, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane,
1,1,2-trichloroethane, chloroform, 1,2-dibromoethane, tetra-
chloroethene, trichloroethene, and vinyl chloride have been
classified tentatively as known or suspect carcinogens. Handle
pure standard materials and stock standard solutions of these
compounds in a hood and wear a NIOSH/MESA-approved
toxic gas respirator when handling high concentrations.
a. Purge and trap system: The purge and trap system consists
of purging device, trap, and desorber. Several complete systems
are available commercially.
1) Purging device, designed to accept 25-mL samples with
a water column at least 5 cm deep. A smaller 5-mL purging
device is acceptable if required method detection levels and
performance criteria are met. Keep gaseous headspace be-
tween water column and trap to a total volume of less than
15 mL. Pass purge gas through water column as finely divided
bubbles with a diameter of less than 3 mm at the origin.
Introduce purge gas no more than 5 mm from base of water
column. The purging device illustrated in Figure 6200:1
meets these criteria.
Needle spargers may be used instead of the glass frit shown in
Figure 6200:1; however, in either case, introduce purge gas at a
point 5 mm from base of water column.
2) Trap, at least 25 cm long and with an inside diameter of
at least 3 mm, packed with the following minimum lengths of
adsorbents: 1.0 cm methyl silicone coated packing, 7.7 cm
2,6-diphenylene oxide polymer, 7.7 cm silica gel, and 7.7 cm
coconut charcoal. If analysis is not to be made for dichlorodi-
fluoromethane, the charcoal may be eliminated and the poly-
mer section lengthened to 15 cm. Alternative sorbents may be
used provided that all quality control criteria are met. Various
sorbent traps are available commercially*; ensure that trap
keeps total purge gas volume and purge time constant (i.e.,
40 mL/min for 11 min) and that performance will meet all
quality control criteria. The minimum specifications for the
trap are illustrated in Figure 6200:2.
Methyl silicone coated packing is recommended, but not
mandatory. The packing protects the diphenylene oxide poly-
mer adsorbent from aerosols, re-coating any active site that
may develop during the heating process, and ensures that the
polymer is fully enclosed within the heated zone of the trap,
thus eliminating potential cold spots. Alternatively, silanized
glass wool may be used as a spacer in the trap inlet.
* Tekmar VOCARB 4000 or equivalent.
Figure 6200:1. Purging device.
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (6200)/Purge & Trap Capillary-Column GC/MS Method
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (6200)/Purge & Trap Capillary-Column GC/MS Method
Before initial use, condition trap overnight following man-
ufacturer’s instructions. Vent trap effluent to the room, not to
analytical column. Before daily use, condition trap for 10 min
with back-flushing. Optimally, vent trap to analytical column
during daily conditioning; however, run column through tem-
perature program before sample analysis.
b. Gas chromatograph (GC)†: Use a temperature-program-
mable GC, suitable for on-column injection. Deactivate all
glass components (e.g., injector liners) with a silanizing
c. Capillary GC columns: Use any capillary GC column that
meets all performance criteria. Ensure that desorb flow rate is
compatible with the column of choice. Four examples of accept-
able columns are listed below.
1) Column 1: 60-m-long 0.75-mm-ID VOCOL‡ wide-bore
capillary column with 1.5-
m film thickness.
2) Column 2: 30-m-long 0.53-mm-ID DB-624§ mega-bore
capillary column with 3-
m film thickness.
3) Column 3: 30-m-long 0.32-mm-ID DB-5§ capillary
column with 1-
m film thickness.
4) Column 4: 30-m-long 0.25-mm-ID DB-624§ capillary
column with 1.4-
m film thickness.
d. Mass spectrometer, capable of scanning from 35 to
300 amu every2sorless, utilizing 70 eV (nominal) electron
energy in the electron impact ionization mode, and producing a
mass spectrum that meets all criteria in Table 6200:II when 25
ng or less of 4-bromofluorobenzene is introduced into GC. To
ensure sufficient precision, the desired scan rate permits acqui-
sition of at least five spectra while a sample component elutes from
the GC.
e. Purge and trap—GC/MS interface: Use an open-split or
direct-split interface, depending on which column is used.
Alternatively, if the narrow-bore column (4) is used, a capil-
lary concentrator preceding the GC may be necessary. This
interface condenses desorbed materials onto an uncoated
fused silica pre-column and when flash-heated transfers com-
pounds onto the capillary column. The uncoated section of
column is cooled to 150°C during desorption and heated to
250°C to transfer condensed materials.
f. Data system: To the mass spectrometer attach a computer
that allows continuous acquisition and storage of all mass
spectra obtained throughout the chromatographic program.
Computer software should allow for a search of all acquired
spectra for specific m/z (masses) and the plot of such m/z
abundances versus time or scan number. This type of plot is
an extracted ion current profile (EICP). Software also should
allow the integration of the abundances in any EICP over a
specified time or scan limit.
g. Syringes, 0.5-, 1.0-, 5-, and 25-mL glass hypodermic with
detachable tip.
h. Syringe valves, two-way, with detachable tip.
i. Microsyringes, 10-, 25-, and 100-
L with a 5-cm 0.15-
mm-ID and 220 bevel needle.#
j. Bottles, 40-mL with TFE-lined screw cap.
a. Reagent water, in which no interferent is observed at or
above the MDL of the constituents of interest. Prepare by pass-
ing tap water through a carbon filter bed containing about 0.5 kg
activated carbon, by distillation, or by using a water purification
b. Trap packing materials:
1) 2,6-Diphenylene oxide polymer, 60/80 mesh, chromato-
graphic grade.
2) Methyl silicone packing, 3 OV-1.
3) Silica gel, 35/60 mesh.
c. Methanol, purge-and-trap grade.
d. Hydrochloric acid: HCl, 1 1.
e. Vinyl chloride, 99.9% pure.
f. Ascorbic acid.
g. Stock standard solutions: Prepare from pure standard
materials or purchase as certified solutions. Prepare stock
standard solutions in methanol using assayed liquids or gases
as appropriate. CAUTION: Toxic substances. See 6200B.1d.
Gas chromatographic methods are extremely sensitive to the materials used.
Mention of trade names by Standard Methods does not preclude the use of other
existing or as-yet-undeveloped products that give demonstrably equivalent results.
Supelco, Inc., or equivalent.
§ J&W, or equivalent.
Luerlok, or equivalent.
# Hamilton #702, or equivalent.
** Millipore Super Q, or equivalent.
Mass m/zAbundance Criteria
50 15 to 40% of mass 95
75 30 to 60% of mass 95
95 Base peak, 100% relative abundance
96 5 to 9% of mass 95
173 2% of mass 174
174 50% of mass 95
175 5 to 9% of mass 174
176 95 to 101% of mass 174
177 5 to 9% of mass 176
Figure 6200:2. Trap packings and construction to include desorb
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (6200)/Purge & Trap Capillary-Column GC/MS Method
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS (6200)/Purge & Trap Capillary-Column GC/MS Method
1 / 12 100%

6200 Rev edit 2011

Telechargé par Angelica Alvarez
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