viewed by looking toward a white surface. Calibrate each disk
to correspond with the colors on the platinum-cobalt scale.
The glass disks give results in substantial agreement with
those obtained by the platinum-cobalt method and their use is
recognized as a standard field procedure.
e. Nonstandard laboratory methods: Using glass disks or
liquids other than water as standards for laboratory work is
permissible only if these have been individually calibrated
against platinum-cobalt standards. Waters of highly unusual
color, such as those that may occur by mixture with certain
industrial wastes, may have hues so far removed from those of
the platinum-cobalt standards that comparison by the standard
method is difficult or impossible. For such waters, use the
methods in Sections 2120C through F. However, results so
obtained are not directly comparable to those obtained with
platinum-cobalt standards.
a. Nessler tubes, matched, 50-mL, tall form.
b. pH meter, for determining sample pH (see Section 4500-H
c. Filter and filter assembly (for true color measurements):
Use a 0.45-
m-pore-diam cellulose membrane filter of 22 or 47
mm diam. Glass fiber filters also can be used. Rinse filters before
use and monitor filter blanks. Smaller-pore filters of 0.2 or 0.22
m or even ultrafiltration may be needed to remove colloidal
particles for certain samples such as Mn or Fe oxides or other
colloids. Use a glass, TFE, or stainless steel assembly to hold the
selected filters.
a. Organic-free water: Type I reagent water (see Section
1080) or equivalent water. Use for all standard preparation and
other procedures.
b. Potassium chloroplatinate,K
, analytical grade.
c. Cobaltous chloride, CoCl
O, analytical grade.
d. Hydrochloric acid, HCl, analytical grade.
e. Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, analytical grade.
Preparation of Standards
Dissolve 1.246 g potassium chloroplatinate and 1.00 g crys-
tallized cobaltous chloride in water with 100 mL conc HCl and
dilute to 1000 mL. This stock solution has a color of 500 color
units (CU). Platinum-cobalt standards of 500 CU are available
commercially, and are suitable for use as the primary standard.
Prepare standards having CU of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50,
and 100 by diluting 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, and 20.0 mL
stock color standard with water in 100-mL volumetric flasks.
Transfer to nessler tubes for use as standards. Protect standards
against evaporation and contamination when not in use. Keep in
the dark when not in use, and keep only for 1 month.
a. Sample collection: Collect samples in acid-washed amber
glass bottles or plastic bottles covered to keep out light. Rinse
bottles once with sample before filling bottle with sample. Pref-
erably take a sample of at least 100 mL. Analyze sample within
24 h of collection. Keep samples cold until analysis, and warm
them up to room temperature before measurement.
b. Sample preparation: Check sample pH. If outside the range of
4 to 10, preferably adjust sample to pH 7 and note the adjustment.
If true color is to be measured, wash membrane filter and filter
assembly by passing at least 50 mL water through filter. Filter
about 25 mL sample and discard filtrate. Filter a further portion
of about 50 mL through the same filter and retain for analysis.
c. Sample measurement: Observe sample color by filling a
matched nessler tube to the 50-mL mark with sample and com-
paring it with standards. Look vertically downward through
tubes toward a white or specular surface placed at such an angle
that light is reflected upward through the columns of liquid. If
turbidity is present and has not been removed, report as “appar-
ent color.” If the color exceeds 100 units, dilute sample in known
proportions until the color is within the range of the standards.
a. Calculate color units (CU) by the following equation:
Color ⫽A⫻50
A⫽estimated color of a diluted sample and
B⫽mL sample taken for dilution.
b. The correct units for true color are CU. One CU is equiv-
alent to one Hazen unit and to one Pt-Co unit. If samples are not
filtered, report data as Apparent CU. Report color results in
whole numbers and record as follows:
CU Record to Nearest
1–50 1
51–100 5
101–250 10
251–500 20
c. Report sample pH.
Quality Control
The QC practices considered to be an integral part of each
method are summarized in Tables 2020:I and II.
a. Replicate measurements: Use at least two portions of fil-
tered sample.
b. Duplicate analyses: Analyze every tenth sample in dupli-
cate (i.e., duplicating the entire procedure) to assess method
c. Pre-programmed spectrophotometers: For spectrophotom-
eters with pre-programmed calibration curves, verify calibration
curve regularly with the platinum-cobalt standards prepared un-
der 2120C.4, and adjust pre-programmed curves as needed.
8. Reference
1. BLACK, A.P. & R.F. CHRISTMAN. 1963. Characteristics of colored
surface waters. J. Amer. Water Works Assoc. 55:753.
COLOR (2120)/Visual Comparison Method
COLOR (2120)/Visual Comparison Method