2. KING, J.M. & K.S. COLEY. 1985. Toxicity of aqueous extracts of
natural and synthetic oils to three species of Lemna, Spec. Tech. Publ.
891. American Soc. Testing & Materials, Philadelphia, Pa.
3. HUGHES, J.S., M.M. ALEXANDER &K.BALU. 1988. An evaluation of
appropriate expressions of toxicity in aquatic plant bioassays as
demonstrated by the effects of atrazine on algae and duckweed,
Spec. Tech. Publ. 921. American Soc. Testing & Materials, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
8211 C. Toxicity Test Procedure
General Considerations
Use static, or where necessary, renewal methods.
As a
general rule, if a test solution is stable (e.g., a solution with low
microbial population, high toxicity, or low volatility), use a static
test. If samples are unstable, use repeated renewal methods (see
Section 8010D).
Preparing Test Materials
As used herein, dilution water and control water are identical
to duckweed nutrient solution. To prepare this solution, see
Table 8211:I.
To prepare toxicant solutions, see Section 8010F.2b.
Test Procedures and Conditions
Screening tests use a predetermined concentration (e.g., 100%
effluent) to determine if a sample is toxic in comparison with the
control water. If the sample is toxic, test it further using range-
finding and definitive tests. In the range-finding test, examine a
series of concentrations, usually at ratios of 10 (10%, 1%, 0.1%,
Range-finding-test results are used as a basis for designing
definitive tests. For definitive tests, use at least five concentra-
tions of sample in a constant ratio (geometric series). For exam-
ple, for environmental samples using a recommended ratio of
two, concentrations should be 90% environmental sample (add-
ing tenfold concentrated medium to sample, thus not reaching
100%), 50%, 25%,12.5%, 6.25%, 3.12%, 1.56%, 0.78%, 0.39%,
etc. Ideally, choose a ratio to prepare a series of solutions in
which all effect concentrations (EC values) to be assessed are
bracketed by at least one higher and one lower concentration.
Alternatively, select the highest and lowest concentrations to
produce approximately 80% or higher and 10% or lower inhib-
itory effects.
Use three replicates for each treatment. Include a negative
control: six replicates containing only duckweed nutrient solu-
tion. If any solvents were used for pure chemicals, add an
additional solvent control with six replicates. Prepare a positive
dose–response test with 3,5-dichlorophenol [EC
around 2
mg/L test range (0.54 mg/L)]. Preferably use cylindrical vessels
(beakers or petri dishes that are at least 60 mm diam and hold at
least 150 mL). (Although the dish may be shallower than root
length, duckweed growth is not adversely affected.
) Vessels
should be inert to expected chemicals and not adsorb them
significantly. This generally leads to a preference for glass ves-
sels. However, cationic substances (e.g., metals) may signifi-
cantly adsorb to borosilicate glass, so specific plastics may be
preferred for such samples. Discard vessels if contamination is
Add the same amount of nutrients to all control and test
samples (e.g., 1 to 10 mL of concentrated nutrient solution to
make 100 mL sample). Prepare at least 100 mL portions of test
solution (or control sample). Select duckweed specimens from
stock cultures that have been grown under the same conditions.
Use only unblemished colonies (green and healthy looking; not
chlorotic, necrotic, or irregularly shaped) containing two or three
fronds of approximately equal size per colony. Place 12 duck-
weed fronds (identical numbers of colonies per vessel) in uni-
form glass plates or hourglasses.
Illuminate from above with continuous (24-h) cool-white
fluorescent light (2150 to 4300 lux at water surface). If no
appropriate light meter is available, check light field via a set of
control samples. If all control samples surpass a growth rate of
0.275/d, then there is enough light (this is generally a more
reliable indication of sufficient light than any physical measure-
ment). To avoid dose-dependent shadowing and reflection ef-
fects of colored or turbid solutions, place a black bottom under
all test vessels (very important) and incubate at 24 ⫾2°C.
Test duration is 168 h. Sometimes shorter test durations may
be possible, but this can significantly reduce test sensitivity. If a
shorter test is necessary, do not reduce the number of observa-
tions; instead, eliminate the first 1 or 2 days of growth if this
seems to be an adaptation phase (delayed reaction) in which even
highly contaminated samples will still grow near to control
values. Because results are calculated based on growth rate, such
a reduction is scientifically permitted but should always be noted
in the results [e.g., EC
(2–5 d)].
When testing effluent toxicity in a receiving water, renew with
fresh effluent if sample seems to be unstable, and use receiving
water as diluent if necessary for the test goal. Otherwise, use a
standard water as diluent (see Table 8010:III). Complete frond
counts at least every 72 h (at the beginning and end of the test,
and at least two intermediate points) to determine any interme-
diate toxic effects.
Test Results
For visual observations, place test vessels on a white back-
ground or apply direct light from the side or bottom into the
vessel. Observe duckweed plants for symptoms, including chlo-
rosis (loss of pigment/yellowing), necrosis (localized dead tis-
sue), colony breakup, root destruction, loss of buoyancy, and
gibbosity (humpback or swelling). Compare affected fronds with
duckweed specimens in the control. Count frond increase daily
to provide a quantal value directly reflecting duckweed growth.
To measure frond increase, count every visible, protruding bud.
DUCKWEED (8211)/Toxicity Test Procedure
DUCKWEED (8211)/Toxicity Test Procedure