served, shipped, and stored as described above.
Analyze sam-
ples within 28 d.
a. High-performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC): A sys-
tem capable of reproducibly injecting up to 1000-
L portions,
and performing ternary linear gradients at a constant flow rate of
approximately 1.5 mL/min. A column heater is desirable. Data
included in this method were obtained with a heater set at 30°C.
1) Analytical column: Any column that provides adequate
resolution, peak shape, capacity, accuracy, and precision
(6610B.6) may be used. For development of this method, an
HPLC “carbamate” column, 3.9 ⫻150 mm, packed with 4-
solid-phase particles* was used.
2) Postcolumn reaction system capable of mixing reagents
into the mobile phase. Use a reactor constructed of polyether-
etherketone (PEEK) or PTFE tubing and equipped with two
pumps capable of delivering up to 0.5 mL/min of each reagent;
mixing tees; and two reaction coils. Various postcolumn system
manufacturers recommend different reaction-coil temperatures
for the carbamate hydrolysis reaction; therefore, the first reaction
coil temperature may range from 80 to 95°C. Analyte signal can
increase with temperature over this temperature range; however,
baseline noise can also increase with increasing temperatures.
The second reaction takes place at ambient temperature.
3) Detector: Use a fluorescence detector capable of excitation
at approximately 340 nm and detection of emission energy at
approximately 465 nm. Specific optimum excitation and emis-
sion wavelengths may vary slightly for each system.
4) Data system: Preferably use a computerized data system
for data acquisition and processing.†
b. Vials: Screw-cap or crimp-top glass autosampler vials with
PTFE-faced septa, amber or clear.
c. Volumetric flasks, Class A, various sizes, used for prepara-
tion of standards and samples.
d. Microsyringes, various sizes.
e. Disposable syringes, 5- to 30-mL size, used to filter sample
extracts before analysis.‡
f. Filters, disposable, used to filter samples before analysis.§
g. Analytical balance, capable of weighing accurately to
0.0001 g.
Use only reagent-grade or better chemicals and HPLC-grade
solvents. Unless otherwise indicated, ensure that all reagents
conform to the specifications of the Committee on Analytical
Reagents of the American Chemical Society, where such spec-
ifications are available.
a. Reagent water: Use purified water that does not contain
measurable quantities of any target analytes or interfering com-
pounds greater than
the MRL for each compound of interest.
b. Buffered reagent water: To reagent water, add sample
preservation reagents in the same concentrations present in the
samples. To prepare 1 L buffered reagent water, add a sufficient
amount of potassium dihydrogen citrate to yield a concentration
of 9.2 to 9.5 g/L and sodium thiosulfate to yield a concentration
in the range of 80 to 320 mg/L to a graduated bottle or volu-
metric flask. Fill to 1-L mark with reagent water.
c. Acetonitrile, CH
CN, high-purity, demonstrated to be free
of analytes and interferences (HPLC grade or better).
d. Methanol, CH
OH, high-purity, demonstrated to be free of
analytes and interferences (HPLC grade or better).
e. Hydrolysis solution (postcolumn reagent 1): Make sodium
hydroxide, NaOH, 0.05N, by diluting 4 mL 50% (w/w) sodium
hydroxide solution to 1 L with reagent water. Because hydrolysis
solution concentration can dramatically affect analyte response,
use extra care in preparing. Filter and degas (with helium or
other appropriate gas) just before use.
f. Sodium borate solution, 0.05N: Dissolve 19.1 g sodium
tetraborate decahydrate (Na
O) in a 1-L volumetric
flask. Bring volume up to 1.0 L with reagent water. The sodium
borate will dissolve in less than2hifastir bar is used. Filter and
g. o-Phthalaldehyde (OPA): Dissolve 100 ⫾10 mg of OPA in
5 to 10 mL methanol.
h. OPA derivatization solution (postcolumn reagent 2): Pre-
pare by either 1) or 2) below. Both 2-mercaptoethanol and
N,N-dimethyl-2-mercaptoethylamine hydrochloride react with
OPA and the target methylamine to form the isoindole detected
by the fluorescence detector. Both reagents have characteristic
strong odors. Prepare solutions in a fume hood. This reagent, as
prepared by either method, is stable for at least 36 h. However,
individual laboratory conditions vary and daily preparation of
this solution may be necessary.
1) Preparation with 2-mercaptoethanol—Add dissolved OPA
(¶ gabove) to 1 L filtered and degassed sodium borate solution
(¶ fabove). Add 1.0 mL 2-mercaptoethanol and mix.
2) Preparation with N,N-dimethyl-2-mercaptoethylamine hy-
drochloride—Dissolve 2.0 ⫾0.2 g N,N-dimethyl-2-mercapto-
ethylamine hydrochloride in approximately 10 mL sodium bo-
rate solution (¶ fabove). Add dissolved OPA (¶ gabove) to 1 L
filtered and degassed sodium borate solution. Add dissolved
N,N-dimethyl-2-mercaptoethylamine-hydrochloride to the so-
dium borate solution and mix.
i. Calibration standards: Prepare standard solutions either
from certified, commercially available solutions or from neat
compounds. Compounds used to prepare solutions must be
ⱖ96% pure; their weights may be used without correction for
purity to calculate the concentration of the stock standard. So-
lution concentrations mentioned in this section were used to
develop this method and are included as an example, not a
requirement. Generally, prepare standards for sample fortifica-
tion in the smallest volume that can be measured accurately, to
minimize the addition of organic solvent to aqueous samples.
NOTE: Although stability times for standard solutions are sug-
gested below, use standard QC practices to determine when
standard solutions need to be replaced.
1) Surrogate analyte (SUR) standard solution, 4-bromo-3,5-
dimethylphenyl n-methylcarbamate (BDMC):
a) SUR stock standard: If preparing from neat material, ac-
curately weigh approximately 25 to 35 mg neat SUR to nearest
* Waters catalog No. WAT035577.
† A Waters Millennium software system was used to generate all data contained
in the tables provided in this method.
‡ B-D catalog No. 309603, 309650, or equivalent.
§ Millipore 0.22-
m PVDF membrane, catalog No. SLGV 013 NL, or equivalent.
CARBAMATE PESTICIDES (6610)/High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method
CARBAMATE PESTICIDES (6610)/High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Method