4110 A. Introduction
Determination of the common anions such as bromide, chlo-
ride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, and sulfate often is
desirable to characterize a water and/or to assess the need for
specific treatment. More recently, the need to measure the con-
centration of the disinfection by-products chlorite, chlorate, and
bromate has arisen. Although conventional colorimetric, electro-
metric, or titrimetric methods are available for determining in-
dividual anions, ion chromatography provides a single instru-
mental technique that may be used for their rapid, sequential
measurement. Ion chromatography eliminates the need to use
hazardous reagents and it effectively distinguishes among the
halides (Br
, and F
) and the oxyhalides (ClO
, ClO
and BrO
), and the oxy-ions (PO
, and
Methods 4110B and 4110C are applicable, after filtration to
remove particles larger than 0.45
m, to surface, ground, and
wastewaters as well as drinking water. Some industrial process
waters, such as boiler water and cooling water, also may be
analyzed by this method. Method 4110D is applicable to un-
treated and finished drinking water as well as drinking water at
various stages of treatment.
4110 B. Ion Chromatography with Chemical Suppression of Eluent Conductivity
General Discussion
a. Principle: A water sample is injected into a stream of eluent
and passed through a series of ion exchangers. The anions of
interest are separated on the basis of their relative affinities for a
low-capacity, strongly basic anion exchanger (guard and analyt-
ical columns). The separated anions are directed through a sup-
pressor device that provides continuous suppression of eluent
conductivity and enhances analyte response. In the suppressor
the separated anions are converted to their highly conductive
acid forms while the conductivity of the eluent is greatly de-
creased. The separated anions in their acid forms are measured
by conductivity. They are identified on the basis of retention time
as compared to standards. Quantitation is by measurement of
peak area or peak height.
b. Interferences: Any substance that has a retention time
coinciding with that of any anion to be determined and produces
a detector response will interfere. Low-molecular-weight organic
acids, bromate, and chlorite may interfere with the determination
of chloride and fluoride. A high concentration of any one ion also
interferes with the resolution, and sometimes retention, of others.
Sample dilution or gradient elution overcomes many interfer-
ences. To resolve uncertainties of identification or quantitation
use the method of known additions. Spurious peaks may result
from contaminants in reagent water, glassware, or sample pro-
cessing apparatus. Modifications such as preconcentration of
samples, gradient elution, or reinjection of portions of the eluted
sample may alleviate some interferences but require individual
validation for precision and bias and are beyond the scope of this
c. Method detection level: The detection level of an anion is a
function of sample size. Table 4110:I presents detection levels
obtained for reagent water with a 25-
L sample loop. Detection
levels in natural waters may be substantially higher because of
the presence of high levels of some of the anions.
d. Limitations: Exercise caution if this method is used to
determine F
in unknown matrices. Two problems are com-
monly encountered: first, with some column/eluent combina-
tions the fluoride peak elutes very close to the baseline
depression caused by the elution of water, the so-called “wa-
ter dip”. This may cause difficulty in quantitating samples
with low fluoride concentrations; second, the simple organic
acids (formic, acetate) elute close to fluoride and may inter-
fere. Determine precision and bias before analyzing samples.
If fluoride is to be determined, preferably select a column/
eluent combination that resolves water, fluoride, and simple
organic acids.
Because of the utilization of nitrate, nitrite, and phosphate as
nutrients by some species of bacteria, store samples at 4°C and
analyze within 48 h. Disinfected samples to be analyzed for
nitrate may be held for up to 14 d because all nitrite will already
be converted to nitrate. Store samples to be analyzed for sulfate
* Approved by Standard Methods Committee, 2000. Editorial revisions, 2011.
Joint Task Group: 21st Edition—Richard Mosher (chair), Bruce A. Hale, Daniel
P. Hautman, Peter E. Jackson, S. V. Karmarkar, James Krol, James W. O’Dell,
Roy-Keith Smith.
Fluoride 2.0
Chloride 4.0
Nitrite-N 3.7
Bromide 14
Nitrate-N 2.7
Orthophosphate-P 14
Sulfate 18
* See Figure 4110:1 for experimental conditions.