front section or replace guard column when system performance
is degraded.
d. Gas chromatograph operating conditions: Use temperature
programming to achieve optimal separation and desirably short
run times. Optimize temperatures and flow rates for the partic-
ular gas chromatograph and chromatographic column. Optimal
injector temperature will allow vaporization of the prepared
sample and provide good peak shape. Incorrect injector temper-
ature may cause splitting of the acetic acid peak. Typical con-
ditions are as follows:
Injector temperature: 150°C
Oven temperature program: 95°C hold for 2 min, ramp to
140°C at 10°C/min, no hold. Ramp to 200°C at 40°C/min, 5 min
hold. Cool to initial temperature.
Detector conditions: temperature 240°C, hydrogen flow rate
30 mL/min, and air flow rate 300 mL/min.
Carrier gas flow rate: 18 mL/min.
Detector make-up gas flow rate: 12 mL/min, for a total of
30 mL/min from the column into the detector (or as recom-
mended by the manufacturer).
e. Syringe, for sample introduction into GC. Syringe may be
for manual injection or used in conjunction with an autosampler.
f. Disposable syringes, 10-mL, plastic with detachable tip,†
for use with in-line syringe filter.
g. Disposable in-line syringe filters, 0.8/0.2
m (or equiva-
lent), for filtering sample supernatant before introduction into the
h. Centrifuge, with polycarbonate centrifuge tubes, capable of
separating sample solids from aqueous portion.
i. Large glass vials, 40-mL, with TFE-lined septa and caps.
j. Small glass vials, 3.5-mL, with TFE-lined septa and caps.
a. Hydrogen, to fuel the FID.
b. Air, hydrocarbon-free-grade or better, for the FID.
c. Helium, carrier-grade or better, for use as GC carrier gas and
detector makeup gas. Preferably use gas purification devices on
carrier-gas line to remove oxygen and organic compounds.
d. Phosphoric acid, 85%.
e. Volatile fatty acid stock standard mixture, approximately 600
to 1000 mg/L for each of acetic, propionic, isobutyric, butyric,
isovaleric, and valeric acids. The stock standard may be prepared
from pure fatty acid standard and reagent water or may be pur-
chased in solution. Caproic and heptanoic acids also may be added
if desired. Store at 4°C. Replace as needed, or every 6 months.
f. Volatile fatty acid calibration standard mixture, diluted
from the stock volatile acid standard mixture to four levels of
dilution to span a broad range of concentrations. Typical cali-
bration standard concentrations are 350 mg/L, 140 mg/L,
35 mg/L, and 3.5 mg/L. Prepare fresh monthly or as needed by
diluting volatile acid standard mixture with reagent water acid-
ified with phosphoric acid. Store at 4°C.
g. Reagent water: Use any water that is free of volatile fatty
acids. Prepare by passing house deionized water through an
activated carbon column. Analyze to ensure an acceptable blank
level well below method reporting limits.
a. Sample preparation: Collect digester sludge samples on the
day of analysis and refrigerate at 4°C immediately. Transfer a
sample portion (10 to 30 mL) to a 40-mL glass vial and acidify to
approximately pH 2 with phosphoric acid while stirring with a glass
rod. Check pH with pH paper after mixing. Transfer acidified
sludge sample into a polycarbonate centrifuge tube and centrifuge
until centrate is separated from supernatant. Withdraw supernatant
from centrifuge tube with a disposable syringe, filter through a
disposable in-line filter, and place in a 3.5-mL glass vial (5560D.2j).
Perform one duplicate sample analysis for each set of 10
samples. Also fortify, and analyze, samples analyzed in duplicate
as follows: Place 10-mL portion of digester sludge in a 40-mL
vial (5560D.2i) and add an amount of volatile fatty acid stock
standard mixture approximately equal to the largest amount of
any single analyte expected in the sample. Process duplicate and
fortified samples in the same way as other samples.
b. Calibration: Inject 1
L of each of the volatile fatty acid
calibration standard mixture concentrations (5560D.3f) into the
GC for calibration. Preferably use the solvent flush technique for
all standard and sample injections. Construct a calibration curve
from the four calibration standard injections using the best fit
through zero. The calibration curve may be used for up to
1 month if it is proven to be valid. Validate calibration curve
daily by injection of a mid-point calibration curve validation
standard. Inject a check standard (mid-point calibration curve
standard) at end of each day.
c. Sample analysis: Use 1-
L injection volume for all analy-
ses, including blank, duplicate, and laboratory-fortified samples.
Analyze at least one blank sample (reagent water adjusted to pH
2 with phosphoric acid) for each set of 10 samples. Also analyze
† Luerlok, or equivalent.
Figure 5560:1. Gas chromatogram of a fatty acid standard. Column
DB-FFAP, 0.53-mm-ID, 30-m, 0.50-
m film thickness,
temperature-programmed as described in 5560D.2d.
ORGANIC & VOLATILE ACIDS (5560)/Gas Chromatographic Method
ORGANIC & VOLATILE ACIDS (5560)/Gas Chromatographic Method