2350 B. Chlorine Demand/Requirement
General Discussion
a. Principle: Divide the sample into subsamples, and dose
each with the standardized oxidant (chlorine) solution to yield a
series of increasing doses. After the appropriate contact time,
measure oxidant residual, pH, and temperature and determine the
demand/requirement via the difference between initial and final
b. Method selection: Chlorine consumption may be tested to
examine the demand or requirement for total chlorine, free
chlorine, combined chlorine, monochloramine, or dichloramine.
Specify the chlorine species consumed in the chlorine demand/
requirement test. The analytical method should exhibit minimal
interferences for the species examined. For demand/requirement
studies with free chlorine, use only amperometric titration (Sec-
tion 4500-Cl.D) or DPD methods (Sections 4500-Cl.F and 4500-
c. Interference: Refer to Section 4500-Cl.D.1b(amperometric
titration), 4500-Cl.F.1d(DPD ferrous titrimetric method), or 4500-
Cl.G.1b(DPD colorimetric method). Pay special attention to inter-
ferences caused by oxidation products, such as MnO
Cl, and
. If water’s ammonia or organic nitrogen content is signifi-
cant, combined chlorine may form. See Section 4500-Cl for details.
Under these conditions, expect interferences in the measurement of
free chlorine by combined chlorine.
d. Minimum detectable concentration: Because it is calcu-
lated by difference, the minimum detectable chlorine demand/
requirement is 公2times the minimum chlorine residual detect-
able by the analytical method. For minimum detectable chlorine
residual, see Section 4500-Cl.F.1e(DPD ferrous titrimetric
method) or 4500-Cl.G.1c(DPD colorimetric method). Minimum
detectable demand also is influenced by the amount of oxidant
consumed relative to oxidant dose (see ¶ 6 below).
e. Sampling: Most reliable results are obtained on fresh sam-
ples that contain low amounts of suspended solids. If samples
will be analyzed within 24 h of collection, refrigerate unacidified
at 4°C immediately after collection. To preserve for up to 28 d,
freeze unacidified samples at ⫺20°C. Warm chilled samples to
desired test condition before analysis.
f. Quality control (QC): The QC practices considered to be an
integral part of each method are summarized in Tables 2020:I
and II.
See Section 4500-Cl.D (amperometric titration) or 4500-Cl.G
(DPD colorimetric method).
a. Chlorine-demand-free water: See Section 4500-Cl.C.3m.
Alternatively, prepare dilutions, blanks, and dosing solutions
from high-quality distilled water (preferably carbon-filtered re-
distilled water).
b. Acetic acid, conc (glacial).
c. Potassium iodide, KI, crystals.
d. Standard sodium thiosulfate titrant, 0.025N: See Section
e. Starch indicator solution: See Section 4500-Cl.B.2e.
f. Reagents for determining residual chlorine: See Section
4500-Cl.D.3 (amperometric titration), 4500-Cl.F.2 (DPD ferrous
titrimetric method), or 4500-Cl.G.3 (DPD colorimetric method).
g. Standard chlorine solution: Prepare by bubbling chlorine
gas through distilled water or by diluting commercially available
5 to 7% (50 000 to 70 000 mg/L) sodium hypochlorite. Store in
the dark or in a brown, glass-stoppered bottle. Standardize each
day of use. A suitable strength of chlorine solution usually will
be between 100 and 1000 mg/L, preferably about 100 times
estimated chlorine demand. Use a solution of sufficient concen-
tration, so adding the chlorine solution will not increase the
volume of the treated portions by more than 5%.
Standardization—Place 2 mL acetic acid and 10 to 15 mL
chlorine-demand-free water in a flask. Add about 1 g KI. Mea-
sure into the flask a suitable volume of chlorine solution. In
choosing a convenient volume, note that 1 mL 0.025NNa
titrant is equivalent to about 0.9 mg chlorine as Cl
. Select
volumes that will require no more than 20 mL titrant.
Titrate with standardized 0.025NNa
titrant until the yellow
iodine color almost disappears. Add 1 to 2 mL starch indicator
solution and continue titrating until the blue color disappears.
Determine the blank by adding identical quantities of acid, KI,
and starch indicator to a volume of chlorine-demand-free water
corresponding to the sample used for titration. Perform which-
ever blank titration applies, according to Section 4500-Cl.B.3d.
Calculate the chlorine stock concentration as described in Sec-
tion 4500-Cl.B.4.
Measure sample temperature and pH. Keep sample and sample
portions at desired temperature and protect from light throughout
the procedure. If pH adjustment is desired, prepare a blank in
distilled water containing the same amount of buffer as in the
sample. Carry the blank throughout the procedure.
Measure 5* equal sample portions of 200 mL† each into
glass-stoppered bottles or flasks of ample capacity to permit
mixing. Add increasing amounts of standard chlorine solution (¶
3g) to successive portions in the series. Try to bracket the
estimated demand/requirement and satisfy criteria of ¶ 5a. In-
crease dosage between portions in increments of 0.1 mg/L for
determining low demands/requirements and up to 1.0 mg/L or
more for higher demands. Mix while adding. Dose sample por-
tions according to a staggered schedule that will permit deter-
mining the residual after predetermined contact times.
Conduct test over desired contact period. Record contact time. At
end of contact period, measure sample temperature, sample pH, and
residual chlorine. Record residual measurement method used.
* The number of sample portions can be increased when working with samples of
unknown demand and may be decreased when working with samples of familiar
† Size of sample portions is not critical, but must be large enough to ensure
reproducible results, as well as provide volume sufficient to measure chlorine
residual, pH, and temperature.
OXIDANT DEMAND/REQUIREMENT (2350)/Chlorine Demand/Requirement
OXIDANT DEMAND/REQUIREMENT (2350)/Chlorine Demand/Requirement