natural organic acids. Compounds of gold containing thiosulfate
and cyanide have some human toxicity.
Perform analyses by the atomic absorption spectrometric
method (3111B) or by the electrothermal atomic absorption
method (3113B). The inductively coupled plasma mass spec-
trometric method (3125) also may be applied successfully in
most cases (with lower detection levels), even though gold is
not specifically listed as an analyte in the method.
3500-In Indium
Indium (In) is the fourth element in Group IIIA in the periodic
table; it has an atomic number of 49, an atomic weight of 114.82,
and valences of 1, 2, and 3. The average abundance of indium in
the earth’s crust is 0.19 ppm; in streams it is ⬍0.01
g/L; and in
groundwaters it is ⬍0.1 mg/L. Indium often occurs in combina-
tion with zinc ores, and sometimes with pyrites and siderite.
Indium is used in alloys for bearings, brazing, solder, and in
electrical devices.
Indium exists as In
and as a number of complex ions. Its
solubility is controlled by the formation of the insoluble hydrox-
ide. The metal and its compounds are toxic by inhalation.
Perform analyses by the electrothermal atomic absorption
method (3113B). The inductively coupled plasma mass spectro-
metric method (3125) also may be applied successfully in most
cases (with lower detection levels), even though indium is not
specifically listed as an analyte in the method.
3500-Ir Iridium
Iridium (Ir) is the eighth element in Group VIII of the periodic
table; it has an atomic number of 77, an atomic weight of 192.2,
and valences of 1, 3, and 4. The average abundance of Ir in the
earth’s crust is probably ⬍0.001 ppm, and in groundwaters it is
⬍0.1 mg/L. Iridium occurs uncombined with platinum and other
metals. It is used in alloys with platinum in catalysts, thermo-
couples, electrodes, and wires.
The aqueous chemistry is controlled by complex compounds,
although the solubility in natural waters is relatively unknown.
Perform analyses by the flame atomic absorption spectromet-
ric method (3111B). The inductively coupled plasma/mass spec-
trometric method (3125) also may be applied successfully in
most cases (with lower detection levels), even though iridium is
not specifically listed as an analyte in the method.
3500-Hg Mercury
Mercury (Hg) is the third element in Group IIB in the periodic
table; it has an atomic number of 80, an atomic weight of 200.59,
and valences of 1 and 2. The average abundance of Hg in the
earth’s crust is 0.09 ppm; in soils it is 30 to 160 ppb; in streams
it is 0.07
g/L, and in groundwaters it is 0.5 to 1
g/L. Mercury
occurs free in nature, but the chief source is cinnabar (HgS).
Mercury is used in amalgams, mirror coatings, vapor lamps,
paints, measuring devices (thermometers, barometers, manome-
ters), pharmaceuticals, pesticides, and fungicides. It is often used
in paper mills as a mold retardant for paper.
The common aqueous species are Hg
, Hg(OH)
, and
stable complexes with organic ligands. Inorganic mercury can be
methylated in sediments when sulfides are present to form di-
methyl mercury, (CH
Hg, which is very toxic and can concen-
trate in the aquatic food chain. Mercury poisoning occurred in
Japan in the 1950s as the result of consumption of shellfish that
had accumulated mercury. In times past, mercury was used in the
haberdashery industry to block hats (the cause of the “mad
hatter” syndrome).
Mercury is considered nonessential for plants and animals.
The U.S. EPA primary drinking water standard MCL is 2
The cold-vapor atomic absorption method (3112B) is the
method of choice for all samples. The inductively coupled
plasma mass spectrometric method (3125) also may be applied
successfully in some cases, even though mercury is not specif-
ically listed as an analyte in the method. The dithizone method
detailed in the 19th edition of Standard Methods can be used for
determining high levels of mercury (⬎2
g/L) in potable waters.
Because mercury can be lost readily from samples, preserve
them by treating with HNO
to reduce the pH to ⬍2 (see Section
1060). Glass storage containers are preferred to plastic, because
they can extend the holding time to 30 d, rather than only the
14 d allowed in plastic containers.
Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—See Section 3500-Al.
Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—See Section 3500-Al.
Joint Task Group: 20th Edition—See Section 3500-Al.
3500 OTHER METALS/Mercury