
Telechargé par Paul Fischer
Italo Calvino was born in Cuba in 1923, and grew up in Italy. He was an
essayist and journalist and a member of the editorial staff of Einaudi in
Turin. His other novels include If on a winters night a traveller and The
Castle of Crossed Destinies. In 1973 he won the prestigious Premio
Feltrinelli. He died in 1985.
The Path to the Spiders’ Nests
Adam, One Afternoon
Our Ancestors
Why Read the Classics?
Time and the Hunter
The Watcher and Other Stories
Italian Folktales
If on a winters night a traveller
The Castle of Crossed Destinies
Mr Palomar
The Literature Machine
Six Memos for the Next Millennium
Under the Jaguar Sun
The Road to San Giovanni
Numbers in the Dark
Difficult Loves
Hermit in Paris
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Epub ISBN: 9781446414279
Version 1.0
Published by Vintage 1997
12 14 16 18 20 19 17 15 13
Copyright © Giulio Einaudi editore, s.p.a. 1972
English translation copyright © Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1974
First published in Italy as Le città invisibili
This volume first published in Great Britain by
Secker & Warburg in 1974
Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,
London SW1V 2SA
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A CIP catalogue record for this book
is available from the British Library
ISBN 9780099429838
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