Julius Tongol, Jackson Liu
Professor Liss
Intro to Sociology
27 September 2021
Puzzle Part I:
1. Why would someone commit suicide? Write down 3-5 reasons.
a. Someone might commit suicide due to the following reasons: mental illness,
stress, being bullied, substance abuse/overdose, Loss/fear of loss, abuse or
potentially social isolation. Although these are reasons of why someone might
commit suicide, it is not all the reasons why many might commit suicide. An
example of this where the listed reasons might not be applicable would be where
an anesthesiologist doesn’t fully anesthetize the patient, where the patient will feel
the pain of lets say a scalpel piercing their skin during surgery (very very painful).
2. What is Montana’s suicide rate? Why does Montana have twice the national average?
Write down 2-4 reasons.
a. Montana’s suicide rate as of 2016 is 25.9 suicides per 100,000 people. This is a
38% increase from the suicide rate back in 1999 and almost double that of the
national average of 13.42 individuals per 100,000 (NBCNews). This is caused by
several reasons listed, but not limited to: strong gun culture, high rates of heavy
alcohol consumption, and as does lack of daylight in the winter and high altitudes,
which have been linked to depression. There are a lot of factors also contributing
to Montana’s high suicidal rate, such as facing a projected $227 million budget