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Guide to Balance Sheet Projections - Wall Street Prep

Guide to alance heet Projection
Common approache to forecating alance heet line item when uilding a 3
tatement model
 Thi article i part of a larger guide: How to uild an Integrated 3 tatement Financial Model
alance heet projection exercie
Imagine that we are taked with uilding a 3-tatement tatement model for Apple. aed on analt reearch and
management guidance, we have completed the compan’ income tatement projection, including revenue,
operating expene, interet expene and taxe – all the wa down to the compan’ net income. Now it’ time to
turn to the alance heet.
etting up the alance heet forecat
Tpicall, the main alance heet ection of a model will either have it own dedicated workheet or it will e part of a larger workheet containing
other nancial tatement and chedule. efore we dive into individual line item, here are ome alance heet et practice (click here for a
complete guide to nancial modeling et practice):
1. At leat two ear of hitorical data
It i recommended that at leat two ear of hitorical reult are inputted into the model to help provide ome context to forecat. Data i
organized in column acending from left to right.
2. Reclaif GAAP to uit our need
Companie preent their alance heet in wa that are not alwa optimized for anali. For example, companie ma lump line item with
di erent driver together. In thee cae, the line item need to e eparated and forecating approache hould e tailored to the nature of the
item. Converel, GAAP require that certain line item e roken out into current and long-term component (deferred taxe and deferred
revenue are common example). However, for forecating purpoe, the can e comined ecaue the are forecat uing the ame driver.
3. Ue upporting chedule
All forecating need to e done in upporting chedule — either in the ame workheet or in dedicated eparate workheet. Thi i where the
forecating and calculation hould take place. The conolidated alance heet impl pull the nihed product — the forecat — to preent a
complete picture.
Working capital
We tart the alance heet forecat  forecating working capital item. (For a complete guide to working capital, read our “Working Capital 101”
article.) roadl peaking, working capital item are driven  the compan’ revenue and operating forecat. Conceptuall, working capital i a
meaure of a compan’ hort-term nancial health. Working capital item include:
Account receivale (AR)
Grow with ale (net revenue).
Uing an IF tatement, model hould enale uer to override with da ale outtanding (DO) projection, where da ale outtanding (DO) =
(AR / Credit ale) x da in period.
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Grow with cot of good old (COG).
Override with inventor turnover (Inventor turnover = COG / Average inventor).
Prepaid expene
If prepaid expene comprie expene predominantl clai ed a G&A, grow with G&A. If ou aren’t ure, grow with revenue.
Other Current Aet
Grow with revenue (preumal thee are tied to operation and grow a the uine grow).
If there’ reaon to elieve the are not tied to operation, traight-line the projection.
Account paale
If the paale are generated predominantl for inventor, grow with COG. If ou aren’t ure, grow with revenue.
Override with paale pament period aumption.
Accrued xpene
If the accrued expene are largel for expene that will e clai ed a G&A, grow with G&A. If ou aren’t ure, grow with revenue.
Deferred revenue
Refer to ale that cannot e recognized a revenue et. xample include gift card and oftware for which upfront pament implie right to
future upgrade.
Grow with the revenue growth rate.
Taxe Paale
Grow with the growth rate in tax expene on the income tatement.
Other current liailitie
Grow with revenue.
If there’ reaon to elieve the are not tied to operation, traight-line the projection.
PP& and intangile aet
The larget component of mot compan’ long term aet are xed aet (propert plant and equipment), intangile aet, and increaingl,
capitalized oftware development cot.
Thee line item are alo driven largel  the compan’ operation. In other word, the more revenue, the more capital pending and purchae of
intangile we expect to ee. Unlike working capital, PP& and intangile aet are depreciated or amortized (with a few notale exception like land
and goodwill). Thi create a laer of complexit in the forecating, a illutrated elow:
The PP& roll-forward
PP& (OP) + capital expenditure ‑ depreciation‑ aet ale = PP& (OP)
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Line Item (ee
formula aove)
How to forecat
PP& (OP)
Reference from lat period’ OP
Capital expenditure
Ue equit reearch or management guidance when availale. In the aence of guidance, aume purchae in line with hitorical trend a a % of
Approach 1: Forecat a a % of capital expenditure uing hitorical depreciation a a guide.
Approach 2: Depreciation waterfall anali (ueful when companie provide u cient detail).
Aet ale
Mot companie do not regularl o oad aet a a matter of coure, o arring peci c guidance, aume no aet ale. That aid, ome
indutrie (like RIT) require recurring aet ale forecat.
The intangile aet roll-forward
intangile aet (OP) + purchae – amortization = intangile aet (OP)
Line Item (ee
formula aove)
How to forecat
Reference from lat period’ OP
Aet (OP)
Approach 1: Ue equit reearch or management guidance when availale.
Approach 2: In the aence of guidance, look at hitorical purchae (dicloed in the cah ow tatement). If hitorical purchae are igni cant, grow
a a % of ale. If hitorical trend are lump or undicloed, aume no new purchae.
Companie tpicall dicloe future amortization expene for the current intangile aet in 10K footnote. Of coure, if forecating new purchae, thi
will have incremental impact on future amortization. In thi cae, appl the hitorical ratio of amortization/purchae.
Goodwill i uuall traight-lined in a 3-tatement nancial model. In other word, if goodwill on the latet alance heet i $400m, it ta at $400m
inde nitel. (For more on goodwill, read our quick primer on how goodwill i created.) That’ ecaue to do anthing ele would impl either:
1. Future goodwill impairment
2. Future acquiition where the compan pa in exce of the fair market value of the aet acquired.
It i di cult to relial forecat uch thing. One exception to thi i when modeling private companie that amortize goodwill.
Deferred tax aet and liailitie
Deferred taxe are complex (here’ a primer on deferred taxe) and, a ou ee elow, are either grown with revenue or traight-lined in the aence of
a detailed anali.
tax aet
Approach 1: ince mot DTA are tied to operation (revenue recognition timing di erence and NOL) grow with revenue.
Approach 2: traight-lining i alo acceptale in the aence of u cient dicloure to full undertand the nature of the deferred taxe.
Approach 1: ince DTL are often tied to a dicrepanc etween ook and tax depreciation method, DTL will grow with operation over the long run. A
a reult, a common approach when the full nature of the DTL in’t known i to grow with revenue, jut like DTA.
Approach 2: traight-lining i alo acceptale in the aence of enough dicloure to full undertand the nature of the DTL
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Note that DTA and DTL can e clai ed in the nancial tatement a oth current and non-current.
Other non-current aet and liailitie
You’ll often encounter catch-all line item on the alance heet impl laeled “other.” ometime the compan will provide dicloure in the
footnote aout what’ included, ut other time it won’t. If ou don’t have good detail on what thee line item are, traight-line them a oppoed to
growing with revenue. That’ ecaue unlike current aet and liailitie, there’ a likelihood thee item could e unrelated to operation uch a
invetment aet, penion aet and liailitie, etc.
Long term det
elow we ee Apple’ 2016 det alance. We oerve that Apple ha oth hort-term commercial paper and long-term det (including a portion that’
due thi ear):
Let’ focu on long term det for now and get ack to the commercial paper later. Companie will uuall provide a footnote dicloure of future
maturitie of long-term det. In Apple’ 2016 10K, ou can ee a tpical det maturit dicloure which identi e all the upcoming maturitie of longterm det (including the $3.5 illion current portion of long term det that i due in 2017):
o we know thee note will e coming due – after all, Apple i contractuall required to pa them down. Thi might lead ou to elieve that forecating
det i jut a matter of reducing the current det alance  thee cheduled maturitie. ut a nancial tatement model i uppoed to repreent
what we think will actuall happen. And what will mot likel actuall happen i that Apple will continue to orrow and o et future maturitie with
additional orrowing.
That’ ecaue mot companie replace (or “re nance”) maturing det with new det. Companie do thi to maintain a tale capital tructure. Thi
mean that even when the footnote dicloe that det will e paid down, it i more appropriate to aume that det ta at current level or grow to
re ect a xed capital tructure. Mechanicall we do thi  either:
1. Holding the compan’ long term det alance contant
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2. Growing long term det at the growth in the compan’ net income (argual a etter approach ecaue it tie det to equit growth  uing net
income a a prox for equit growth).
hareholder equit
We have now identi ed the forecating technique for all aet and liailitie except for cah and the revolver. We now turn to forecating the line
item in the tatement of hareholder’ equit. The four ig line item in that ection are:
1. Common tock and APIC
2. Treaur tock
3. Retained arning
4. Other Comprehenive Income
Common tock and APIC
Companie iue new common tock in one of two wa:
New tock iuance (IPO or econdar o ering)
Companie do thi to raie capital, tpicall to fund growth. For example, if a compan want to raie $100m via an equit o ering, the get $100m in
cah (deit cah) with a correponding $100m increae in common tock and APIC (credit).
Wh do companie iue tock and how doe it compare to raiing mone  orrowing from a ank? In ome wa it’ like orrowing, ut rather
than paing interet, the hare iuance dilute exiting equit owner.
How do we forecat future iuance? ince companie don’t iue tock (via IPO or econdar o ering) on a regular ai, mot of the time, no
forecat of tock iuance from thi i necear (i.e. we aume no new hare iuance unle there i peci c juti cation).
tock-aed compenation
Companie iue tock-aed compenation to incentivize emploee with tock in addition to cah alar. Companie primaril iue tock option
and retricted tock to emploee.
Accounting for tock-aed compenation
Although no cah exchange hand when companie iue their emploee option or retricted tock, companie mut recognize an expene for
thi (which the etimate uing an option pricing model). For example, if Apple gave an emploee 1,000 tock option at $150 exercie price, and
which vet equall over the next 2 ear, Apple might etimate that thi ha a preent value of $5,000 ($5 per option). Thi ha the e ect of deiting
retained earning (ince tock-aed compenation expene i accounted for a an operating expene), while the o etting credit i common tock
and APIC. elow ou can ee that Apple’ common tock and APIC account i increaed  the $2.863 in tock-aed compenation expene:
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How do we forecat tock-aed compenation expene?
The mot common wa to forecat tock-aed compenation i to traight-line hitorical ratio of C to revenue or operating expene. ince tockaed compenation expene increae capital tock, whatever we forecat mut increae common tock. ince it alo reduce retained earning ut
ha no cah impact, we alo need to add it ack to net income in the cah ow tatement (ee elow).
Treaur tock
ome companie u ack their own hare when the have exce cah. For example, if a compan u ack $100 million of it own hare, treaur
tock (a contra account) decline (i deitted)  $100 million, with a correponding decline (credit) to cah.
Conceptuall, a hare uack i eentiall a dividend to remaining hareholder paid in the form of additional ownerhip of the compan. In our
example, the $100 million that the compan want to return to hareholder can actuall e achieved one of two wa: via a cah dividend or
equivalentl via a $100m uack. The per hare increae to each hareholder (all ele equal) hould amount to exactl $100 million in aggregate value.
One ene t with the hare repurchae approach i that unlike a cah dividend, tax can uuall e deferred paid  hareholder on the uack.
From a modeling perpective, arring ome management guidance or thei on future uack, if a compan ha engaged in recurring uack
hitoricall (the amount of uack can e found on the hitorical cah ow tatement), traight-lining the amount into the forecat period i uuall
Forecating hare outtanding and P
hare iuance and uack that we forecat on the alance heet directl impact the hare forecat, which i important for forecating earning
per hare. For a guide on how to ue the forecat we’ve jut decried to calculate future hare outtanding, read our primer on Forecating a
Compan’ hare Outtanding and arning Per hare.
Retained earning
Retained earning i the link etween the alance heet and the income tatement. In a 3-tatement model, the net income will e referenced from the
income tatement. Meanwhile, arring a peci c thei on dividend, dividend will e forecat a a percentage of net income aed on hitorical
trend (keep the hitorical dividend paout ratio contant).
The retained earning roll-forward
retained earning (OP) + net income – dividend (common and preferred) = retained earning (OP)
Line item (ee aove formula)
How to forecat
Net income
From income tatement forecat
Dividend (Common and Preferred)
Forecat a a % of net income aed on hitorical trend.
Other comprehenive income (OCI)
Under GAAP, there are man nancial activitie whoe gain and loe don’t impact net income: Gain and loe on foreign currenc tranlation,
derivative, etc. Intead, the are clai ed a “other comprehenive income” (OCI) and are accumulated in a alance heet line item ditinct from
retained earning. You can ee thi in Apple’ alance heet (oerve that the line “accumulated other comprehenive income” declined  $1,427m
during the ear from an accumulated alance of $1,082 to a negative $354m):
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And in a eparate chedule in the 10K ou can ee a full reakout of $1,427m in ear-over-ear change in OCI (much like the income tatement i a
reakout of the ear over ear change in retained earning):
Forecating OCI
Forecating OCI i fairl traightforward. ecaue the gain and loe that ow into thi line item are di cult to predict, the afet et i to aume no
change ear-over-ear going forward (in other word, traight-line the lat hitorical OCI alance on the alance heet):
The other comprehenive income roll-forward:
OCI (OP) +/- OCI generated during the ear = OCI (OP)
Line item (ee formula aove)
OCI generated during the ear
How to forecat
Aume no OCI gain and loe in the forecat (i.e. traight-line hitorical OCI alance).
Forecating cah and hort term det (revolving credit line)
Lat ut not leat, we turn to the forecating of hort term det and cah. Forecating hort term det (in Apple’ cae commercial paper) require an
entirel di erent approach than an of the line item we’ve looked at o far. It i a ke forecat in an integrated 3-tatement nancial model, and we
can onl quantif the amount of hort term funding required after we forecat the cah ow tatement. That’ ecaue cah and hort term det (the
revolver) erve a a plug in mot 3-tatement nancial model – if after everthing ele i accounted for, the model i forecating a cah de cit, the
revolver will grow to fund the de cit. Converel, if the model i howing a cah urplu, the cah alance will impl grow.
Learn more in our primer on Modeling the Revolving Credit Line.
alancing the model
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Finall, an alance heet forecat in’t complete if the alance heet doe not alance. While a compan’ reported alance heet will alwa how
aet equaling liailitie plu equit, when forecating the alance heet, an numer of mitake can lead to the model getting out of alance. In fact,
the trength of a 3-tatement model i that the three tatement are interlinked. However, thee inter-linkage alo increae the potential for error.
ome of the mot common reaon the alance heet doen’t alance include:
1. ign (+/-) are witched
For example, if our capital expenditure i inputted in the alance heet a a negative (or in the cah ow tatement a a poitive), our model will
e out of alance.
2. Milink
For example, if our model accidentall reference dividend intead of tock-aed compenation into the common tock chedule, our model will
e out of alance.
3. Cah ow tatement error
Getting a model to alance i uuall more aout getting the cah ow tatement correct than it i aout getting the alance heet correct. For
example, if ou forecat that “other long term aet” on the alance heet grow at the ame rate a revenue ut forget to include the cah impact
of thi change on the cah ow tatement, our model will not alance. To ee thi in action, ee our cah ow tatement “quick leon.”
5 tep to alancing our model
1. Print out the full model.
2. eginning with the account receivale line on the /, calculate the cah impact of each line of the / with a calculator.
3. Once ou’ve made the calculation, verif that thi cah impact i correctl expreed on the cah ow tatement.
4. Once veri ed on the CF, cro o oth the alance heet and cah ow tatement line item with a pencil.
5. Proceed to the next line and continue until ou get to the lat line of the alance heet.
While thi can e a time conuming proce, the good new i that if ou follow the aove tep correctl, ou will locate the error and our model will
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