RS-28 Sarmat - Wikipedia

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Sarmat RS-28
Le RS-28 Sarmat (russe : РС-28 Сармат , [5] nommé d'après les Sarmates ; [6] Nom de rapport
OTAN : SS-X-29 [7] ou SS-X-30 [8] ) est un liquide russe -Missile balistique intercontinental
super-lourd (ICBM) équipé de MIRV et en cours de développement par le Makeyev Rocket
Design Bureau depuis 2009. [5] [9] Il est destiné à remplacer le R-36M ICBM (SS-18 'Satan')
dans l' arsenal russe . [10] [11]
RS-28 (Sarmate)
RS-28 Sarmat au cosmodrome de Plesetsk .
Taper Missile balistique intercontinental superlourd
Lieu d'origine Russie
Historique d'entretien
En service 2022 (prévu)
Utilisé par Forces de fusées stratégiques
Historique de fabrication
Designer Bureau de conception des fusées Makeyev
Fabricant KrasMash , Zlatoust MZ , NPO Energomash ,
NPO Mashinostroyeniya , KBKhA
Masse 208,1 tonnes métriques [1]
Longueur 35,5 mètres [2]
Diamètre 3 mètres [2]
Ogive 10 à 15 MIRV [3]
Nombre indéterminé de poids lourds Avangard
Moteur Premier étage: PDU-99 ( dérivé du RD-274 )
Propergol Liquide
Plage de fonctionnement
~ 18 000 kilomètres (11 000 mi) [4]
Vitesse maximum Mach 20,7; 25 560 km/h (15 880 mph); 7,1
Le Sarmat est l'une des six nouvelles armes stratégiques russes dévoilées par le président
russe Vladimir Poutine le 1er mars 2018. [12] Le RS-28 Sarmat devrait effectuer son premier
vol d'essai en 2022, [13] et entrer en service plus tard dans le an. [14]
In February 2014, a Russian military official announced the Sarmat is expected to be ready for
deployment around 2020.[15] In May the same year, another official source suggested that the
program was being accelerated and that it would, in his opinion, constitute up to 100 percent
of Russia's fixed land-based nuclear arsenal by 2021.[16][17]
In late June 2015, it was reported that the production schedule for the first prototype of the
Sarmat was slipping.[18][19] The RS-28 Sarmat was expected to become operational in
On 10 August 2016, Russia successfully tested the RS-28's first-stage engine named PDU-
In early 2017, prototype missiles had been reportedly built and delivered to Plesetsk
Cosmodrome for trials but the test program was being delayed to re-check key hardware
components before initial launch.[22]
According to the commander of the Russian Strategic Forces, Col. Gen. Sergei Karakayev, the
RS-28 Sarmat will be deployed with the 13th Red Banner Rocket Division of the 31st Missile
Army at Dombarovsky Air Base, Orenburg Oblast and with the 62nd Red Banner Rocket
Division of the 33rd Guards Rocket Army at Uzhur, Krasnoyarsk Krai, replacing the previous R-
36M ICBMs currently located there.[10]
In late December 2017, the first successful ejection test of the missile was carried out at the
Plesetsk Cosmodrome. According to the report, the missile flew several dozen kilometers
and fell within the test range.[23][24]
On 1 March 2018, Russian president Vladimir Putin, in his annual address to the Federal
Assembly, said that "the active phase of tests" of the missile had begun.[25] Shortly after, an
anonymous military source was cited as saying that the information about the Sarmat
km/s (4,4 mi/s)
Système de guidage
Guidage inertiel , GLONASS , Astro-inertie
Plateforme de lancement
missile had in 2007 been leaked to the West deliberately.[26] On 30 March 2018, the Russian
Defence Ministry published a video showing the Sarmat performing its second successful
test-launch at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome.
On 24 December 2019, during the exhibition of the modern weapon systems at the National
Defense Management Center, it was reported that Sarmat is capable of a "35,000 km sub-
orbital flight". The trials of the missile complex are expected to be completed in 2021, and,
during the 2020-2027 period, "twenty missile regiments are planned to be rearmed with the
The RS-28 Sarmat will be capable of carrying about 10 tonnes of payload for either up to 10
heavy or 15 light MIRV warheads,[28] an unspecified number of Avangard hypersonic glide
vehicles (HGVs)[29] or a combination of warheads and several countermeasures against anti-
ballistic missile systems.[30][31] The Russian ministry of Defense said that the missile is
Russia's response to the U.S. Prompt Global Strike system.[16]
Sarmat has a short boost phase, which shortens the interval when it can be tracked by
satellites with infrared sensors, such as the U.S. Space-Based Infrared System, making it
more difficult to intercept.[32][33][34][35] It is speculated that the Sarmat could fly a trajectory
over the South Pole, completely immune to any current missile defense system,[33] and that it
has the Fractional Orbital Bombardment (FOBS) capability.[10]
According to various sources, RS-28's launch sites are to be equipped with the "Mozyr"[36]
active protection system, designed to negate potential adversary's first strike advantage by
kinetically destroying incoming bombs, cruise missiles and ICBM warheads at altitudes of up
to 6km.[37][38][39][40][41]
Strategic Rocket Forces
RS-24 Yars
RS-26 Rubezh
Futurs opérateurs
Voir également
R-36 (missile)
RT-2PM Topol
RT-2PM2 Topol-M
LGM-30 Minuteman
1. "RS-28 Sarmat" ( . Center for
Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Retrieved 21 December 2020.
2. "Russia Upgrades Facility to Produce RS-28 Sarmat ICBM" (
an%20President%20Vladimir%20Putin.) . Retrieved 26 February 2022.
3. "Global Security Newswire – Russia Reportedly Approves Production of New Liquid-Fueled ICBM" (htt
p:// .
1 June 2014. Retrieved 17 January 2015.
4. "Army 2019: Russian army discloses RS-28 Sarmat ICBM characteristics" (https://www.armyrecogniti
ses_rs-28_sarmat_icbm_characteristics.html) . Army Recognition. 2 July 2019.
5. Новую тяжелую ракету "Сармат" будут делать в Красноярске (
ta-site-anons.html) Rossiyskaya Gazeta, 2 Feb 2015.
. "Key facts about Russia's advanced Sarmat ICBM system" ( . TASS
(in Russian). Retrieved 2 March 2018.
7. Kristensen, Hans M.; Korda, Matt (4 March 2019). "Russian nuclear forces, 2019" (
080%2F00963402.2019.1580891) . Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 75 (2): 73–84.
Bibcode:2019BuAtS..75b..73K ( .
doi:10.1080/00963402.2019.1580891 ( .
. "Russia's Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine, Forces, and Modernization" (
61.pdf) (PDF). 2 January 2020. p.14. Retrieved 10 January 2020.
9. "Перспективная тяжелая МБР РС-28 / ОКР Сармат, ракета 15А28 - SS-X-30 (проект) -
MilitaryRussia.Ru — отечественная военная техника (после 1945г.)" (
opic-435.html) .
10. "Sarmatian ICBM & FOBS Reintroduction" (
bs.htm) . Retrieved 6 April 2017.
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RS-28 Sarmat - Wikipedia

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