(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 146) Jan-Hendrik Evertse, Kalman Gyory - Unit Equations in Diophantine Number Theory-Cambridge University Press (2015)

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Editorial Board
Diophantine number theory is an active area that has seen tremendous growth over the
past century, and in this theory unit equations play a central role. This comprehensive
treatment is the first volume devoted to these equations. The authors gather together all
the most important results and look at many different aspects, including effective results
on unit equations over number fields, estimates on the number of solutions, analogues for
function fields, and effective results for unit equations over finitely generated domains.
They also present a variety of applications. Introductory chapters provide the necessary
background in algebraic number theory and function field theory, as well as an account
of the required tools from Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory. This
makes the book suitable for young researchers as well as for experts who are looking
for an up-to-date overview of the field.
Jan-Hendrik Evertse works at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University. His
research concentrates on Diophantine approximation and applications to Diophantine
problems. In this area he has obtained some influential results, in particular on estimates
for the numbers of solutions of Diophantine equations and inequalities. He has written
more than 75 research papers and co-authored one book with Bas Edixhoven entitled
Diophantine Approximation and Abelian Varieties.
an Gy˝
ory is Professor Emeritus at the University of Debrecen, a member of the
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and a well-known researcher in Diophantine number
theory. Over his career he has obtained several significant and pioneering results, among
others on unit equations, decomposable form equations, and their various applications.
His results have been published in one book and 160 research papers. Gy˝
founder and leader of the number theory research group in Debrecen, which consists of
his former students and their students.
Editorial Board:
B. Bollob´
as, W. Fulton, A. Katok, F. Kirwan, P. Sarnak, B. Simon, B. Totaro
All the titles listed below can be obtained from good booksellers or from Cambridge University Press.
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110 J. Faraut Analysis on Lie groups: An introduction
111 E. Park Complex topological K-theory
112 D. W. Stroock Partial differential equations for probabilists
113 A. Kirillov, Jr An introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras
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115 E. de Faria & W. de Melo Mathematical tools for one-dimensional dynamics
116 D. Applebaum L´
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117 T. Szamuely Galois groups and fundamental groups
118 G. W. Anderson, A. Guionnet & O. Zeitouni An introduction to random matrices
119 C. Perez-Garcia & W. H. Schikhof Locally convex spaces over non-Archimedean valued fields
120 P. K. Friz & N. B. Victoir Multidimensional stochastic processes as rough paths
121 T. Ceccherini-Silberstein, F. Scarabotti & F. Tolli Representation theory of the symmetric groups
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127 E. de Faria & W. de Melo Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory
128 A. Terras Zeta functions of graphs
129 D. Goldfeld & J. Hundley Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group, I
130 D. Goldfeld & J. Hundley Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group, II
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137 C. Muscalu & W. Schlag Classical and multilinear harmonic analysis, I
138 C. Muscalu & W. Schlag Classical and multilinear harmonic analysis, II
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143 T. Leinster Basic category theory
144 I. Arzhantsev, U. Derenthal, J. Hausen & A. Laface Cox rings
145 M. Viana Lectures on Lyapunov exponents
146 J.-H. Evertse & K. Gy˝
ory Unit equations in Diophantine number theory
147 A. Prasad Representation theory
148 S. R. Garcia, J. Mashreghi & W. T. Ross Introduction to model spaces and their operators
Unit Equations in
Diophantine Number Theory
Universiteit Leiden
Debreceni Egyetem, Hungary
University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom
Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge.
It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of
education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence.
Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781107097605
© Jan-Hendrik Evertse and K´
an Gy˝
ory 2015
This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception
and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements,
no reproduction of any part may take place without the written
permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published 2015
Printed in the United Kingdom by Clays, St Ives plc
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
ISBN 978-1-107-09760-5 Hardback
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy
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