Finally, since Ais non-empty, if we choose some A∈A, then A4A=∅belongs
to A, so its complement Xr ∅ =Xalso belongs to A.
It will be useful to introduce the following terminology.
Definition. A system of sets (Ai)i∈Iis said to be pair-wise disjoint, if Ai∩
Aj=∅, for all i, j ∈Iwith i6=j.
Lemma 1.1. Let Xbe a non-empty set, let Kbe one of fields Q,Ror C, and
let Rbe a ring on X. For a function φ:X→K, the following are equivalent:
(i) φis R-elementary;
(ii) there exist an integer n≥1and sets A1, . . . , An∈R, and numbers
λ1, . . . , λn∈K, such that
φ=λ1κA1+· · · +λnκAn.
(ii) there exist an integer m≥1, and a finite pair-wise disjoint system (Bj)m
j=1 ⊂
R, and numbers µ1, . . . , µm∈K, such that
φ=µ1κB1+· · · +µmκBm.
Proof. (i)⇒(ii). Assume φis R-elementary. If φ= 0, there is nothing to
prove, because we have φ=κ∅. If φis not identically zero, then we can obviously
with all sets φ−1({λ}) in R.
(ii)⇒(iii). Define
E={ψ:X→K:ψsatisfies property (iii)}.
Assume φsatisfies (ii), i.e.
φ=λ1κA1+· · · +λnκAn,
with A1, . . . , An∈Rand λ1, . . . , λn∈K. We are going to prove that φ∈E, by
induction on n. The case n= 1 is trivial (either φ= 0, so φ=κ∅∈E, or φ=λκA
for some A∈Rand λ6= 0, in which case we also have φ∈E).
α1κD1+· · · +αkκDk∈E,
for all D1, . . . , Dk∈R,α1, . . . , αk∈K. Start with a function
φ=λ1κA1+· · · +λkκAk+λk+1κAk+1 ,
with A1, . . . , Ak+1 ∈Rand λ1, . . . , λk+1 ∈K, and based on the above inductive
hypothesis, let us show that φ∈E. Using the inductive hypothesis, the function
ψ=λ2κA2+· · · +λkκAk+λk+1κAk+1
belongs to E, so there exist scalars η1, . . . , ηp∈K, an integer p≥1, and a pair-wise
disjoint system (Cj)p
j=1 ⊂R, such that
ψ=η1κC1+· · · +ηpκCp.
With this notation, we have
φ=λ1κA1+η1κC1+· · · +ηpκCp.