Measure Theory: Set Arithmetic, Rings, and Algebras

Telechargé par boungotresor03
Chapter III
Measure Theory
This chapter is devoted to the developement of measure theory. The goal is
to define a suitable tool which is analgous to the notion of area and volume in
Calculus. As the exposition suggests, this goal can be achieved in a great deal of
1. Set arithmetic: (σ-)rings, (σ-)algebras, and monontone classes
In this section we discuss various types of set collections used in Measure The-
Notation. Given a (non-empty) set X, we denote by P(X) the collection of
all subsets of X.
Definition. Let Xbe a non-empty set. For AP(X), we define the function
κA:X→ {0,1}by
κA(x) = 1 if xA
0 if xXrA
The function κAis called the characteristic function of A.
The basic properties of characteristic functions are summarized in the following.
Exercise 1.Let Xbe a non-empty set. Prove:
(i) κ= 0 and κX= 1.
(ii) For A, B P(X) one has
(iii) κAB=κA·κB,A, B P(X).
(iv) κArB=κA·(1 κB), A, B P(X).
(v) κAB=κA+κBκA·κB,A, B P(X).
(vi) κA1∪···∪An=
κAi1· · · κAik,, A1, . . . , AnP(X).
(vii) κA4B=|κAκB|=κA+κB2κA·κB,A, B P(X). Here 4stands
for the symmetric set difference, defined by A4B= (ArB)(BrA).
Property (vi) is called the Inclusion-Exclusion Formula.
Hint: (vi). Show that the right hand side is equal to 1 (1 κA1)···(1 κAn).
Remark 1.1. The Inclusion-Exclusion formula has an interesting application
in Combinatorics. If the ambient set Xis finite, then the number of elements of
any subset AXis given by
Using the Inclusion-Exclusion formula, we then get
|A1∪ · · · ∪ An|=
|Ai1 · · · Aik|.
This is known as the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle.
Definition. Let Xbe a non-empty set, and let Kbe one of the fields1Q,R
or C. An function φ:XKis said to be elementary, if its range φ(X) is finite.
Remark that this gives
We define
ElemK(X) = {φ:XK:φelementary}.
Given a collection MP(X), a function φ:XKis said to be M-elementary,
if φis elementary, and moreover,
We define
M-ElemK(X) = {φ:XK:φM-elementary}.
Exercise 2.With the above notations, prove that ElemK(X) is a unital K-
Proposition 1.1. Given a non-empty set X, the collection P(X)is a unital
ring, with the operations
A+B=A4Band A·B=AB, A, B P(X).
Proof. First of all, it is clear that 4is commutative.
To prove the associativity of 4, we simply observe that
Since the final result is symmetric in A, B, C, we see that we get
so we indeed get
The neutral element for 4is the empty set . Since we obviously have A4A=,
it follows that P(X),4is indeed an abelian group.
The operation is clearly commutative, associative, and has the total set X
as the unit.
To check distributivity, we again use characteristic functions:
=κAκC+κBκC2κAκBκC= (κA+κB2κAκB)κC=
1Kcan be any field.
§1. Set arithmetic: (σ-)rings, (σ-)algebras, and monontone classes 203
so we indeed have the equality
(AC)4(BC) = (A4B)C.
Definitions. Let Xbe a non-empty set. A ring on Xis a non-empty sub-ring
RP(X). We do not require the unit Xto belong to R, but we do require R.
An algebra on Xis a ring Awhich contains the unit X.
Rings and algebras of sets are characterized as follows.
Proposition 1.2. Let Xbe a non-empty set.
A. For a non-empty collection RP(X), the following are equivalent:
(i) Ris a ring on X;
(ii) For any A, B R, we have ArBRand ABR.
B. For a non-empty collection AP(X), the following are equivalent:
(i) Ais an algebra on X;
(ii) For any AA, we have XrAA, and for any A, B A, we have
Proof. A. (i)(ii). Assume Ris a ring on X, and let A, B R. Then AB
belongs to R, so
also belongs to R. It the follows that
AB= (A4B)4(AB)
again belongs to R.
(ii)(i). Assume Rsatisfies property (ii). Start with A, B R. Then ArB
belongs to R, and
again belongs to R. Since ABalso belongs to R, it follows that the set
A4B= (AB)r(AB)
again belongs to R.
B. (i)(ii). This is clear from the implication A.(i)(ii).
(ii)(i). Assume Asatisfies property (ii). Start with two sets A, B A.
Then the complements XrAand XrBboth belong to A, hence their union
(XrA)(XrB) = Xr(AB)
belongs to A, and the complement of this union
will also belong to A.
If A, B A, then since XrBbelongs to A, by the above considerations, it
follows that the intersection
A(XrB) = ArB
also belongs to A. Likewise, the difference BrAalso belongs to A, hence the union
(ArB)(BrA) = A4B
also belongs to A. By part A, it follows that Ais a ring.
Finally, since Ais non-empty, if we choose some AA, then A4A=belongs
to A, so its complement Xr ∅ =Xalso belongs to A.
It will be useful to introduce the following terminology.
Definition. A system of sets (Ai)iIis said to be pair-wise disjoint, if Ai
Aj=, for all i, j Iwith i6=j.
Lemma 1.1. Let Xbe a non-empty set, let Kbe one of fields Q,Ror C, and
let Rbe a ring on X. For a function φ:XK, the following are equivalent:
(i) φis R-elementary;
(ii) there exist an integer n1and sets A1, . . . , AnR, and numbers
λ1, . . . , λnK, such that
φ=λ1κA1+· · · +λnκAn.
(ii) there exist an integer m1, and a finite pair-wise disjoint system (Bj)m
R, and numbers µ1, . . . , µmK, such that
φ=µ1κB1+· · · +µmκBm.
Proof. (i)(ii). Assume φis R-elementary. If φ= 0, there is nothing to
prove, because we have φ=κ. If φis not identically zero, then we can obviously
with all sets φ1({λ}) in R.
(ii)(iii). Define
E={ψ:XK:ψsatisfies property (iii)}.
Assume φsatisfies (ii), i.e.
φ=λ1κA1+· · · +λnκAn,
with A1, . . . , AnRand λ1, . . . , λnK. We are going to prove that φE, by
induction on n. The case n= 1 is trivial (either φ= 0, so φ=κE, or φ=λκA
for some ARand λ6= 0, in which case we also have φE).
α1κD1+· · · +αkκDkE,
for all D1, . . . , DkR,α1, . . . , αkK. Start with a function
φ=λ1κA1+· · · +λkκAk+λk+1κAk+1 ,
with A1, . . . , Ak+1 Rand λ1, . . . , λk+1 K, and based on the above inductive
hypothesis, let us show that φE. Using the inductive hypothesis, the function
ψ=λ2κA2+· · · +λkκAk+λk+1κAk+1
belongs to E, so there exist scalars η1, . . . , ηpK, an integer p1, and a pair-wise
disjoint system (Cj)p
j=1 R, such that
ψ=η1κC1+· · · +ηpκCp.
With this notation, we have
φ=λ1κA1+η1κC1+· · · +ηpκCp.
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