274.39). We found the ratio AF to be 0.199±0.047
(0.101–0.418). The mean ratio AF (=0.199) is approxi-
mately 1/5.
The AF is most often reported as the site of the
compression of the DBRN in anatomical and clinical
studies [17]. The cause of compression of the DBRN at
the AF has been reported as only a tendinous AF [9,
26], or any pathological condition in addition to ten-
dinous AF [2,4] such as the space-occupying lesions
(ganglion, lipoma, etc.), edema, spasm, repeated rotary
movement, etc.
In 1908, Frohse and Fra
¨nkel [6] first described this
arch (AF) as a normal anatomical tendinous structure.
In his anatomical study of 25 adults and 10 full-term
fetuses, which was performed in 1968, Spinner [22] re-
ported that none of the newborn full-term fetuses had a
sharp tendinous AF, and that the most superior part of
the superficial layer of the supinator muscle was always
muscular. He suggested that the semicircular fibrous AF
probably formed in adults due to repeated rotary
movement of the forearm.
The percentage of tendinous AFs has varied from
30% to 80% in previous anatomical studies [4,5,13,14,
15,17,22,24,26]. The high percentages of tendinous
AFs were reported by Werner [26] (89%, 80/90 patients)
and by Lister et al. [10] (100%, 20/20 patients) in clinical
studies. In our study, the percentage of the tendinous
AFs was found to be 87%.
Debouck and Rooze [4] reported that the difference
between Spinner’s percentage of tendinous AFs (30%)
[22] and their own (64.1%) could be explained by a
difference in the classification criteria of the appearance
of the AF structure, or the fact that the two populations
were not comparable. They declared that the tendinous
AF was a normal anatomical structure.
According to Spinner [22], entrapment of the DBRN
becomes a distinct possibility when a tendinous AF is
present, particularly if it is thick, and the hiatus for the
passage of the nerve is narrow. In the light of Spinner’s
suggestion [22], we measured the width, length and
thickness of the AF. In the literature, the width, length
and thickness of the AF were measured only by Ebra-
heim et al. [5]. They found the width of the AF to be
2.8 mm, the length to be 18.6 mm and the thickness to
be 0.8 mm in male cadavers, and the width of the AF to
be 2.5 mm, the length to be 18.5 mm and the thickness
to be 0.7 mm in females.
The distance AF was reported as 3.8 cm by Low et al.
[11], 4.7 cm by Werner [26] and 4.91 cm by Papadopo-
ulos et al. [14]. However, they did not give any infor-
mation about forearm length. In our study, the distance
AF was found to be 46.23 mm.
The surgeon may calculate the predicted distance AF
of any upper extremity using our mean ratio AF, or may
easily find the predicted distance AF of any upper
extremity by dividing its forearm length by 5 (predicted
distance AF = forearm length of the patient/5).
The semicircular tendinous AF is anatomically a normal
condition in adult cadavers, but clinically it is a potential
anatomical factor causing compression of the DBRN.
Our measurements of the dimensions of the AF may
contribute to the anatomy of the AF. The mean ratio
AF may be used to localize the AF in this region during
forearm surgery. Awareness of the position of the AF
would assist the surgeon to better orientate during sur-
gery and thus reduce surgical complications. In partic-
ular, this ratio may be helpful for the surgeon whose
target is to decompress the DBRN in the surgical
treatment of the lateral elbow pain.
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