Webquest- The History of Cinema
Go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrJPICybdj8
1. The History of Movies: watch the document and recap in your own words what you have understood
about the creation of cinema.
What’s the name of the ancestor of the camera?.....................................
Go to http://classicflicksforkids.blogspot.fr/2013/02/a-brief-history-of-cinema.html
2. Explain the role given to the cinema and the impact on the audience:
3. Find information about the first movie ver made. (Find the title and the name of the film directors on
Film directors
4. Find information about the first popular silent movie.
5. Pick out information (name + country) of a famous film style and give the title of two famous movies.
6. Present a very famous comedian give information about him (name+date+films+skills)