Universal Journal of Materials Science 6(2): 58-63, 2018 http://www.hrpub.org
DOI: 10.13189/ujms.2018.060202
Design and Analysis of Scissor Lifting System by
Using Finite Elements Method
Cengiz Görkem Dengiz, Mahmut Can Şenel*, Kemal Yıldızlı, Erdem Koç
Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Turkey
Copyright©2018 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License
Abstract Scissor-type systems are frequently used as
lifting systems in the industry. These systems are mainly
preferred to do maintenance, repair, and clean. In this study,
the design and analysis of a scissor lift system were
performed with having a load carrying capacity of 500kg
and a working height of 2m. The solid model and assembly
of the system have been developed by the SolidWorks
program. The structural analysis of the system was also
investigated with the help of the same program i.e. stress,
deflection, and safety factor values of system elements
were obtained. As a result of the analyses, it was concluded
that the system designed could safely be used during
load/unload operations.
Keywords Lifting System, Finite Elements, Static
Analysis, Deformation, Safety Factor
1. Introduction
Lifting systems are generally used for purposes of lifting
a load or providing at unreachable heights [1]. Nowadays,
many lifting systems are designed to be used for various
purposes in industry. These systems can be used in
multi-purpose applications and a range of services such as
cleaning services, maintenance-repair activities, load
lifting and lowering activities. Airports and indoor stadium
are examples of these. Lifting systems can be classified as
telescopic lifts, articulated lifts, and scissor lifts [2, 3].
The telescopic lifting systems are mainly the same as the
operating principle of the fire escape stairway in fire
brigade vehicles. These types of systems are a kind of
maintenance-repair vehicle that can carry one or two
people with a maximum platform height of 20-30m. The
system is driven by electric motor and operated by chain.
Also, these systems are not very safe due to the lack of
hydraulic system. Articulated maintenance lifts are
operated by a hydraulic drive which can move in x-y-z
coordinates. These systems are safer than telescopic lifting
systems. Also, the systems are not designed to lift loads
and these systems carry only one person on the platform.
The working height of them is extremely high [3, 4]. The
most popular lifting systems in the industry are scissors
lifting systems. These systems are especially used for
maintenance-repair and cleaning. In the scissors lifting
systems, the platforms are elevated by opening the scissors
which are connected to each other by hydraulic cylinder.
Each platform has a certain carrying and height capacity [1,
2]. In the mechanical design of the platform, the sizes of
profiles, the selection of hydraulic cylinder and electric
motor are very important in terms of user safety.
In this study, a scissors lifting system carrying a
maximum load of 500kg and having a working height of
2m was designed. Solid model of system parts was
modeled in SolidWorks program and assembled in the
same program. In addition, static analysis of system has
been performed by finite elements model in the
2. Design and Analysis of Scissor
Lifting System
2.1. The General Properties of Designed System
The load carrying capacity and the working height of the
designed scissor lifting system were determined as 500kg
and 2m, respectively. The system has been designed as
double scissors on the both sides and the connection of the
scissors was provided by pins and segments as shown in
Figure 1. Scissors used in the system are hollow having a
rectangular profile. The size of the scissor profile is
determined as 80×40×5 mm. The size of cylindrical pins in
the system is detected as Ø40x120 mm in order to carry the
load safely. The opening and closing of the system are
provided by wheels moving on the rails.