1. the lst of nodes n the order n whch they were EXPANDED (not just explored), and
2. the state of the "queue" when the node was expanded.
2. show for each search method the search tree constructed durng the search.
Note that the homework solutons should follow exactly the same conventons as the project descrpton below. In partcular, the chldren of a
node should be consdered ordered n alphabetcal order.
Homework Submsson:
The homework s due at 10 am on Frday November 07, 2003. Please hand n one HARDcopy of your group solutons to the homework
assgnment by the begnnng of the class on Frday, Nov. 07.
Homework Gradng:
Each of the 9 search methods wll be worth 11 ponts. These 11 ponts are dstrbuted n the followng way:
1 ponts for the lst of expanded nodes n the correct order
6 ponts for handlng the queue correctly accordng to the partcular search method
1 pont for expandng the path at the front of the queue
3 pont for storng the chldren of the expanded node n the rght poston n the queue
1 pont for sortng the queue f necessary
1 pont for elmnatng more expensve, redundant paths f necessary
4 ponts for the correct search tree
1 pont for submt the homework (just to make the score sum up to 100 ponts :-)
Total: 100 ponts.
Homework Solutons:
Many thanks to Matt Jarvs for creatng the search trees and to Peter Mardzel for generatng the traces of the queues.