Based on the idea of globalization, companies around the world have multiple mutations,
and one of these changes is the separation between control and ownership. Which brought to
us the agency, where the latter had many sources varying from the information asymmetry, the
self-interested attitude of the manager, and the risk aversion, etc. These problems have created
a burden to the companies and threatened the country’s wealth on the macroeconomics level,
and many stakeholders in the micro-level.
Corporate governance came to resolve the problem of agency and many other problems
brought into existence after the remodeling of the environment and the development of the
enterprise, since it is the aspect of management that interested not only on internal of enterprise
but as well to the external of the enterprise.
With much research, journals, institutions document the proposed best practices for
corporate governance the only guarantee of the efficiency of the system of corporate
governance is the validity and efficacity of its mechanisms. They differ from one system of
governance to another but generally, in the internal of the board of directors, the audit
committee where else on the external financial market, external auditors.
However, As a result of the financial scandals in the US, Europe, and Japan, internal audit
has become an essential tool in the corporate governance system. Indeed, it is considered one
of the principal mechanisms in the corporate governance system.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the internal audit cloud is an efficient
corporate governance mechanism in the center of Algeria's environment in these three areas:
reducing the information asymmetry, protecting the stakeholder's rights, and enhance the
enterprise risk management system. Based on the review of the literature of the different
theories of corporate governance and the practices of the internal audit. A self-completion
questionnaire was distributed to individuals from different departments in a public Algeria
Company. Based on the responses we conduct some statistical descriptive and analytic tests to
validate or reject the hypothesis.
Keywords: corporate governance, audit, the agency relation, information asymmetry,
risk management