treatment plan if it is caught early enough. While your teeth are being cleaned, your dentist
carefully inspects the inside of your mouth for signs of oral cancer. It is also a standard
procedure in most cases.
3. Prevent and Treat Halitosis
When the teeth are not properly brushed and flossed regularly, food and tartar begin to
accumulate between the teeth and stick to the gum line. This results in the onset of bad
breath, otherwise known as halitosis. It can cause unpleasant throat infections to develop as
well once this condition sets in. Having Teeth Cleaning Near Me once every six months (in
conjunction with a regular routine of brushing and flossing, of course) will help prevent this
condition from developing in the first place.
4. Maintain Good Overall Health
Medical experts agree that there is a definite link between experiencing poor oral health and
the onset of chronic conditions such as inflammation of the joints, heart disease, strokes,
diabetes, premature births, and low birth weights in babies. In many cases, the condition of
your mouth will help a dentist to determine whether you may need to schedule a visit with
your physician to be screened for any of the above-mentioned conditions.
5. Enjoy a Healthy Smile
If you consume a lot of tea, coffee, soda, wine, or other strongly-colored food and beverages,
your teeth will become stained quickly. If cleaned regularly though, these stains can be