Varicose Veins: How To Get Rid Of Them Safely?
Veins are an important part of the circulatory system in the human body. They are
responsible for returning the deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body back to the
lungs and heart. If the veins walls are damaged and don’t function properly, visit vein clinic
New York.
When these veins become abnormally twisted, thick, or enlarged, they are referred to as
varicose veins. Although varicose veins can happen anywhere in the body, they tend to
develop in the thighs and legs in most cases. Such conditions require vein treatment clinic
What are the causes of varicose veins?
There are many theories around that try to explain the causes of varicose veins. The
condition seems to be an inherited one. This means that if one of your parents has them, you
are more likely to be affected by this condition. The consensus seems to be that they are
caused by damaged or defective valves that are in the veins. The purpose of the valves in a
vein is to prevent the backward flow of blood. Some in the medical field believe that some
people inherit defective valves or not enough valves in their veins. People without properly
functioning valves or not enough valves in their veins will have the blood in their veins
reverse when they stand up. Instead of being pumped back to the heart and lungs some of the