Varicose Veins How To Get Rid Of Them Safely

Telechargé par Harold Mehta
Varicose Veins: How To Get Rid Of Them Safely?
Veins are an important part of the circulatory system in the human body. They are
responsible for returning the deoxygenated blood from different parts of the body back to the
lungs and heart. If the veins walls are damaged and don’t function properly, visit vein clinic
New York.
When these veins become abnormally twisted, thick, or enlarged, they are referred to as
varicose veins. Although varicose veins can happen anywhere in the body, they tend to
develop in the thighs and legs in most cases. Such conditions require vein treatment clinic
What are the causes of varicose veins?
There are many theories around that try to explain the causes of varicose veins. The
condition seems to be an inherited one. This means that if one of your parents has them, you
are more likely to be affected by this condition. The consensus seems to be that they are
caused by damaged or defective valves that are in the veins. The purpose of the valves in a
vein is to prevent the backward flow of blood. Some in the medical field believe that some
people inherit defective valves or not enough valves in their veins. People without properly
functioning valves or not enough valves in their veins will have the blood in their veins
reverse when they stand up. Instead of being pumped back to the heart and lungs some of the
blood will pool in the legs upon standing. If the veins are causing ache in your legs, get a
vein treatment clinic in New York.
What are the risk factors?
There are many factors that can aggravate this condition. Pregnancy is one of these factors.
Pregnancy is known to increase blood volume which aggravates the condition. Hormones
such as estrogen and progesterone see their levels raised during pregnancy. These hormones
relax the walls of the veins which can help lead to varicose veins.
Prolonged standing, age, and obesity are also factors that can aggravate the situation. A
person that is prone to the condition of varicose veins should avoid working a job that has
them standing for an extended period of time. Obesity is a completely preventable condition.
A person that has varicose veins should keep their weight within a healthy range to avoid
aggravating the condition. Keeping a healthy weight can be done with exercise and diet.
Varicose Vein Treatment:
This procedure includes converting the sclerosant into foam before delivering it directly into
the veins. This process is generally suitable for larger veins as foam can cover a bigger
surface area compared to liquid. Consult your vein doctor in New York to the most suitable
option for the vein treatment center in NYC.
Radiofrequency Ablation:
During this process, vein doctor NYC uses radio waves also known as radiofrequency
energy, which are sent through the vein walls. Your vein specialist in NYC will anesthetize
the affected veins first, then use an ultrasound to examine the inner part of the leg and move
a wire catheter through the knee to the groin.
Endovenous Laser Ablation:
The laser ablation process functions similarly to radiofrequency ablation except that it uses
laser energy rather than radiofrequency energy. The laser fiber is attached to the catheter,
transferred to the affected veins, and laser energy makes the treated vessel close using heat
energy. The vein eventually gets shrunk and absorbed by the body itself. This process is
generally used to treat deeper veins of the legs.
People wishing to get rid of varicose veins can opt for any one of the above-mentioned
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