How to read a map on a road trip if your GPS is
Before deciding to go on a road trip, you should make sure your car is in good condition. If your driver
finds it difficult to see what is in the front, you should replace the windscreen. Due to the availability of
Google maps, car navigation systems, people don’t learn to traditionally navigate places anymore.
Even though GPS is available to almost everyone, one should still learn how to read maps. In some
remote areas, you might find out that the car navigation system isn’t available. If you don’t know how to
read maps, you might find it difficult to explore those kinds of places. By studying the tips below, you
can learn how to read maps and travel better
Read the orientation
Almost all maps have a compass rose. As the compass role is placed in the bottom right of some maps, it
is placed in the left corner of others. By reading the position you find the compass rose, you can
determine the direction of the map.
Study legends
By studying legends, you can easily interpret map symbols. Even though all maps are not made the same
way, the legend indicates the same thing in all maps, such as highways and roads.
Study topographic maps
Contour lines are used to signify the presence of shape in landscapes. Whenever contour lines are
positioned close to each other, it signifies the presence of a mountain or any other raised area. Woods,
streams, service centers, and other similar elements can be found in topographic maps.