What to expect when you have a
tooth extraction?
Tooth extraction means the removal of a single or multiple tooth/teeth from your mouth. If a
tooth is cracked or broken as a result of rotting, your dental professional may try to save the
majority of the tooth. They save the tooth by placing a dental crown over it or using dental
filling as a substitute for the remaining portion of the teeth. If the damage is ahead of repair,
you may require tooth extraction.
Why need Tooth Extraction?
Other factors requiring tooth extraction procedures include the fact that if you need braces
and there is not adequate room in your mouth for your teeth to change to their correct
position, maybe you will need to remove some of the teeth to make room in your mouth.
Also, if you are on cancer medication or radiation therapy, you may require tooth extraction
because your teeth may get contaminated due to a drop in the immune system. Most people
have their wisdom teeth extracted when they become teens or reach their early 20's. Rotten,
infected, or causing pain teeth, will need to come out. You can get a tooth extraction at the
Dentist Office Near Me.
Preparation for the procedure:
While preparing you for the oral procedure, your dental surgeon will need to explain each
and every detail of the surgery so that you will be mentally ready for the ongoing procedure.