● A mosquito can cause dengue fever - a dangerous disease and can kill
2. Damage your belongings
To your personal belongings, the pests are uninvited, tiny guests. For
example: silverfish enjoys munching fibres such as books, insulation,
photograph albums, and wallpaper. They survive on the nutrients carried by
fibres. Also, silverfish breeds rapidly. Other pests that destroy your belongings
are termites, carpenter ants, and carpenter beetles.
3. Contaminate Food
We all need food, water, and shelter to survive, isn’t it? And your kitchen is
the ultimate treasure for pests. As they survive on your food supplies, they
also leave bacteria and excreta behind. Pests also invade products like dried
fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, and grains. Sometimes, you just consume
contaminated food.
It is important to have periodic pest control Geelong. You can contact a pest
control company to get pest control done.
4. They destroy your Home
You don’t want pests to be your guest even for once or else they will end up
destroying your home completely. Here are the ways pests harm your home:
● Rodents can cause power shortage and fire by nibbling insulation of
electrical cables.
● Bird droppings cause the loss of millions every year because of their
acidic nature. They eat wood, stone, steel, and iron. The droppings can block
gutters and leads to roof and wall damage.
● Termites are the worst pests to have in your home. They snack on the
wooden structures. Termite control is necessary as they cause maximum
destruction and can be an expensive affair for repairing. Pests eat the
cellulose of wood and make them hollow. They live in wood and it is quite
challenging to find and remove them completely.
● Possums destroy electric wires and insulation terribly.
● Wood-boring insects invade furniture, wood flooring, structural timbers
and destroy them.